Western forest tyrant

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Western forest tyrant
Western forest tyrant (Contopus sordidulus)

Western forest tyrant ( Contopus sordidulus )

Subordination : Screeching Birds (Tyranni)
Family : Tyrants (Tyrannidae)
Subfamily : Fluvicolinae
Tribe : Contopini
Genre : Contopus
Type : Western forest tyrant
Scientific name
Contopus sordidulus
( Sclater , 1859)

The western forest tyrant ( Contopus sordidulus ) is an American screeching bird.


The 16 cm long bird is olive green on the top with whitish wing stripes and on the other hand light gray with darker parts on the chest and flanks. He has a harsh, enduring reputation.


The western forest tyrant inhabits light forests, parks, orchards and mountain forests in the western part of North America from Alaska to Central America and moves to winter in western South America to Peru and Bolivia .


From a perch, the bird looks for insects that it catches in flight or pecks from leaves. The diet consists of moths , flies , mosquitoes and, if insects are rare, berries.


Three to four eggs are incubated for around two weeks in an open shell nest made from a horizontal, often high branch. Both parent birds feed the young.


  • Colin Harrison, Alan Greensmith: Birds: with more than 800 species . Dorling Kindersly Limited, Starnberg 2005, ISBN 978-3-8310-0785-1
  • Bryan Richard: Birds: over 400 species from around the world . Parragon, Bath 2006, ISBN 978-1-4054-5506-0

Web links

Commons : Westlicher Waldtyrann ( Contopus sordidulus )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files