Westview Ferry Terminal

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Westview Ferry Terminal
Port type Sea port / ferry port
Piers / quays 1
Geographic information
place Powell River
province British Columbia
Country Canada
Westview ferry terminal
Westview ferry terminal
Coordinates 49 ° 50 '10 "  N , 124 ° 31' 46"  W Coordinates: 49 ° 50 '10 "  N , 124 ° 31' 46"  W
Westview Ferry Terminal (British Columbia)
Westview Ferry Terminal
Location Westview Ferry Terminal

The Westview Ferry Terminal is a ferry port in the Canadian province of British Columbia . It is located on Malaspina Street , a section of the Strait of Georgia , west of the city of Powell River in the Qathet Regional District . The tidal range here is usually between 1 and 5 meters. In terms of road traffic, the ferry port is connected to Highway 101 via a short connecting road.

BC Ferries ( British Columbia Ferry Services Inc. ), as the main operator of the ferry connections on the west coast of British Columbia, operates various routes from here.


From here the following goals are approached:

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Powell River (# 7880) Tidal Prediction. Fisheries and Oceans Canada , accessed April 29, 2016 .