Wet-tail disease

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Wet-tail disease in a dwarf hamster

The wet tail disease (English for wet tail disease.) - syn. Proliferative ileitis ( proliferative Hüftdarmentzündung ) or Transmissible Ileumhyperplasie (transferable Hüftdarmverdickung) - is a diarrheal disease in young hamsters . The cause of the disease is unknown, an infectious agent is suspected. Additional factors such as poor hygiene and feeding, as well as stress, also play a role. Hamsters are usually affected between three and eight weeks of age.

Clinical picture

In the acute form , the animals show exhaustion, watery diarrhea and dehydration . It usually ends fatally after just 48 hours. In the subacute form , diarrhea, weight loss and growth retardation as well as dehydration occur. Occasionally, the disease can lead to an obstruction of the ileum , an eversion of the bowel , or a prolapse of the rectum .


With early treatment, the cure rate is around 50%. The loss of fluid is compensated by the administration of electrolyte solutions. Antibiotics such as chloramphenicol , enrofloxacin , tetracycline or erythromycin are also used.


  • Elke Wasel: Proliferative Ileitis . In: K. Gabrisch, P. Zwart: Diseases of pets . 6th edition, Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft, Hanover 2005, p. 99, ISBN 3-89993-010-X .