Wheeler McMillen

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Wheeler McMillen (born January 27, 1893 near Ada , † March 4, 1992 in Leesburg ) was an American agricultural journalist.


Wheeler McMillen grew up on the family farm south of Ada and attended Ohio Northern University .

After several years as a newspaper reporter and editor, he went to New York in 1922 , where he became co-editor of Country Home Magazine . He came to believe that the farmers' biggest problem was the low price of crops as a result of overproduction, which in turn resulted from mechanization , chemical fertilizers and insecticides . In 1929, just before the Great Depression , he published Too Many Farmers . (In 1890 42.3% of Americans were still working as farmers, in 1970 4.8%)

In 1935 he teamed up with Henry Ford . Together they founded the National Farm Chemurgic Council in 1936 .

In 1939 he became editor-in-chief of the Farm Journal . After resigning in 1955, he served as Vice President for another eight years. In addition to his work as a journalist, he had a farm in Hopewell and was also active in advisory form for the government. He was also the vice president of the Boy Scouts of America National Board .

He left a son.


  • Too Many Farmers . William Morrow & Company, 1929
  • Essay The face of the earth . In Environment, the university, (and) the welfare of man . Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1969, pp. 17-33
  • The Farmer . Washington: Potomac Books, 1966
  • Feeding Multitudes: A History of What Made America Rich . Interstate Printers and Publishers Inc, 1981
  • Ohio Farm . Ohio St Univ Press, 1997
  • Weekly on the Wabash . Southern Illinois Univ Pr (Tx), 1969
  • New riches from the soil . D. Van Nostrand Co., inc., 1946
  • The green frontier . Putnam, 1969
  • Land of plenty by Wheeler McMillen . Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1961
  • Why the United States is rich . Caxton Printers, 1963
  • Possums, politicians and people . Countryside Press, 1964
  • Harvest by Wheeler McMillen . Appleton-Century, 1964
  • Bugs or people? . Appleton-Century, 1965
  • Fifty useful Americans . Putnam, 1966
  • The power of agriculture . The American tariff league, 1944
  • The farming fever . D. Appleton and company, 1924
  • The young collector . D. Appleton, 1928

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d e Announcement on the occasion of his death , New York Times