Whitley Strieber

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Whitley Strieber

Louis Whitley Strieber (born June 13, 1945 in San Antonio , Texas ) is an American writer . He is known both for his horror novels and for his book The Visitors ( Communion ), which is about an allegedly personal encounter with aliens.


Whitley Strieber's parents were the lawyer Karl Strieber and his wife Mary Drought Strieber. Strieber initially worked for various advertising companies before he decided to become a writer in 1977. He is married and lives in San Antonio with his wife Anne Strieber and their son Andrew. In addition to his writing activities, he moderates his own radio show called Dreamland .


Strieber began his writing career with the two horror novels Wolfsbrut ( The Wolfen , 1978) and The Kiss of Death ( The Hunger , 1981), both of which were filmed shortly after their publication (see Wolfen und Begierde ). In the years that followed, he switched from the horror and thriller genre to political and social issues. Particularly noteworthy is the novel Warday from 1984, written together with James Kunetka , which describes the consequences of a limited nuclear war between the USA and the Soviet Union and particularly addresses the economic and social effects. In 1999 Strieber wrote the novel Sturmwarnung ( The Coming Global Superstorm ) together with Art Bell , which anticipated the content of the 2004 disaster film The Day After Tomorrow by Roland Emmerich . Strieber later wrote a novel version of the film.

He caused a sensation with his - according to his own account autobiographical - work The Visitors ( Communion , 1987), in which he reports how he was abducted from his log cabin in New York by aliens who carried out medical experiments on him. The visitor was on the New York Times bestseller list for sixteen weeks . Another work on extraterrestrial visitors is Majestic (1989), which deals with the Roswell incident in the New Mexico desert in 1947.

Film adaptations

Wolfsbrut was filmed in 1981 under the original title Wolfen by director Michael Wadleigh , The Kiss of Death 1983 by director Tony Scott under the title Desire . The visitor was filmed in 1989 with Christopher Walken in the lead role and directed by Philippe Mora .

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