Wii Fit

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Wii Fit
Studio Nintendo EAD
Publisher Nintendo
JapanJapanDecember 1, 2007 April 25, 2008 May 19, 2008
North AmericaNorth America
platform Wii
genre Sports game
Game mode Single player , multiplayer (only for one exercise)
control Wii Balance Board , Wiimote and Nunchuk
Age rating
USK released from 0
PEGI recommended for ages 3+
The Wii Balance Board
A young woman is playing Wii Fit

Wii Fit is a sports and fitness game for Nintendo's Wii and came with the Wii Balance Board . The successor to Wii Fit are Wii Fit and Wii Fit U , which for the Wii U is released.


The game includes 48 muscle building, aerobics , yoga and balance games:

Muscle building exercises Yoga postures Balance games Aerobic exercise
Leg extension Deep breathing Header Hula hoop
Push-ups & side stand Crescent moon Ski slalom Basic step
Waist turner hero Ski jump jogging
Jackknife tree Ball ballet Super hula hoop
Lunge Sun salutation Tightrope walk Step Plus
rowing Standing knee River globe Jogging doubles
Hand on your knee Palm tree Penguin picnic Boxing
Sideways swing chair Snowboard slalom Free step
Horizontal stretching triangle Zazen Free jogging
Triceps extension Downward facing dog
Diagonal stretching dancer
Stand up man cobra
Push-up duel bridge
Jack knife duel Crocodile rotation
Stretch duel candle

In addition to the training mode, there is also the option of determining one's “Wii Fit age”. The BMI is first calculated using the scales contained in the Balance Board . This is followed by a center of gravity measurement. An age analysis then follows from these values. There is also the option of entering a weight loss or gain goal that you want to achieve with the game. The software warns against being too ambitious and recommends a maximum of 1.4 kg in two weeks as a goal. Activities outside of the game can also be recorded in a logbook. A maximum of eight profiles can be saved. You can also hide your profile from other players using a password.


(Almost) all exercises are controlled via the balance board, which uses various sensors to measure the inclination of the body, among other things. For other exercises, the balance is calculated. A value is calculated from these values, which is then output in points or percentages.
Some exercises also require the Wiimote , which you put in your pocket or hold in your hand while jogging, for example. The nunchuk is also required for boxing .


Game tips 87%

Web links

Commons : Wii Fit  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Test on spieletipps.de