Wii Fit Plus

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Wii Fit Plus
Wii fit plus logo.svg
Studio JapanJapan Nintendo EAD
Publisher JapanJapan Nintendo
JapanJapanOctober 1, 2009 October 4, 2009 October 30, 2009
North AmericaNorth America
platform Wii
genre Sports game
Game mode Single player , multiplayer (only for one exercise)
control Wii Balance Board , Wiimote and Nunchuk
Age rating
USK released from 0
PEGI recommended for ages 3+
Wii Fit Plus stand in Montpellier
The Wii Balance Board

Wii Fit Plus is a sports and fitness game for Nintendo's Wii and was delivered either with the Wii Balance Board or as a single DVD. It is an expanded version of the Wii Fit game and was first introduced on June 2, 2009 at E3 2009. The game was released in Europe on October 30th. The sequel to Wii Fit Plus is Wii Fit U .


Wii Fit Plus contains all 48 exercises from its predecessor Wii Fit as well as 15 additional balance games and three new strength and yoga lessons each. The new sporting activities include skateboarding and rhythm kung fu. The adaptability has been significantly increased compared to its predecessor. For the first time it is possible to use Wii Fit Plus to set an individual goal, e.g. B. to establish muscle building and then to have a training plan created; thus the training can be chosen target-oriented or time-oriented.

Muscle building exercises Yoga postures Balance games Aerobic exercise
Leg extension Deep breathing Header Hula hoop
Push-ups & side stand Crescent moon Ski slalom Basic step
Waist turner hero Ski jump jogging
Jackknife tree Ball ballet Super hula hoop
Lunge Sun salutation Tightrope walk Step Plus
rowing Standing knee River globe Jogging doubles
Hand on your knee Palm tree Penguin picnic Boxing
Sideways swing chair Snowboard slalom Free step
Horizontal stretching triangle Zazen Free jogging
Triceps extension Downward facing dog Hip calculation
Diagonal stretching dancer Bicycle island
Stand up man cobra Rhythm kung fu
Push-up duel bridge Tee training
Jack knife duel Crocodile rotation Segway course
Stretch duel candle Aerobatics
Balance bridge Back extensor Snowball fight
Sideways step goal Obstacle course
Leg turner Grounded V Tilt city
marching band
Juggling master
Skateboard arena
Ball Ballet Plus
River globe plus
Jogging plus

The activities in bold italic are the extensions of "Wii Fit Plus" and not yet available in the previous version, Wii Fit .

Other new functions are a so-called "calorie counter", with which the player can display the food energy used. Another new feature is the ability to create profiles for pets and control their weight, an idea that was adopted from Laufrhythmus DS .


(Almost) all exercises are controlled via the balance board. The balance board uses piezo elements on the underside of the board to measure the inclination of the body, among other things. For other exercises, the balance is calculated. A value is calculated from these values, which is then output in points or percentages.


Magazine / website rating
Game tips 81%
Wii magazine 87%

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Iwata asks: "Wii Fit Plus" interview with Shigeru Miyamoto ( Memento from January 10, 2010 in the Internet Archive )
  2. inWii.de - Wii Fit Plus release date known ( Memento from October 2, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
  3. Calorie Check / What Are METs?
  4. Nintendo website Laufrhythmus and Miis ( Memento from September 7, 2012 in the web archive archive.today )