Wilhelm-Albrecht Achilles

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Wilhelm-Albrecht Achilles (born November 27, 1952 in Braunschweig ) is a German lawyer and former judge at the Federal Court of Justice .


After completing his legal training, Achilles initially worked as a research assistant at the University of Göttingen . There he wrote a dissertation on the supervision of the ecclesiastical foundations of the Protestant churches in the Federal Republic of Germany , with which he was awarded a Dr. iur. received his doctorate. In 1982 he entered the higher judicial service of the state of Lower Saxony , where he was appointed judge at the Braunschweig regional court in 1985 after various assignments . In 1993 Achilles was promoted to judge and in 2004 to presiding judge at the Braunschweig Higher Regional Court . At first he was chairman of a senate for family matters and then of the 2nd civil senate, which is responsible in particular for commercial legal protection; in addition, he chaired the Senate for Agricultural Matters.

In November 2007 he was finally appointed judge at the Federal Court of Justice, where he was assigned to the VIII Civil Senate responsible for sales, leasing and rental law . In the first half of 2009 he was also a member of the Xa Civil Senate . His judicial office ended on May 31, 2018 after reaching the age limit.

He teaches at the University of Göttingen as an honorary professor .

Achilles is married to a special school teacher; their son worked as a presenter for Radio SAW while studying engineering.

Publications (selection)

  • The supervision of the ecclesiastical foundations of the Protestant churches in the Federal Republic of Germany. Mohr, Tübingen 1986. ISBN 3-16-645045-9 .
  • Commentary on the GmbH law (together with Jürgen Ensthaler and Burkhard Schmidt). Luchterhand, Munich 2005. ISBN 3-472-03383-5 .
  • Commentary on the UN Sales Convention (CISG). Luchterhand, Neuwied / Kriftel 2000. ISBN 3-472-04010-6 .


  1. Press release of the OLG Braunschweig from November 5, 2004  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Submission: Toter Link / www.oberlandesgericht-braunschweig.niedersachsen.de  
  2. Press release of the Federal Court of Justice No. 162/07 of November 2, 2007
  3. Press release No. 96/2018 of the Federal Court of Justice of May 30, 2018
  4. Website of the Chair for Civil Law, Civil Procedure Law, Medical Law and Comparative Law (Prof. Volker Lipp)

Web link