Wilhelm Achill von Westerholt

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Wilhelm Achill Graf von Westerholt (* 1806 in Schwansbell Castle ; † 1854 ) was canon in the prince-bishopric of Münster until 1813.


Origin and family

Wilhelm Achill Graf von Westerholt came from the Westphalian noble family von Westerholt . His father was Maximilian Friedrich Graf von und zu Westerholt-Gysenberg (1772-1854), his mother Princess Friederike von Bretzenheim (1771-1816). His grandfather Ludolf Friedrich Adolf von Boenen (1747-1828) had adopted his wife's name when he married Wilhelmine Friderike Franziska Anna Freiin von und zu Westerholt and Gysenberg (1757-1820). He was raised to the rank of imperial count in 1790 . Wilhelm Achill's uncle Wilhelm von Westerholt (1782–1852) was a Prussian district administrator.


Wilhelm Achilles received in 1808 by the Grand Duke of Berg after waiving his uncle Wilhelm von Westerholt the vacated Dompräbende in Munster . He was the only new canon from the time of French rule . In 1813, when the French left, he was no longer considered a member of the cathedral chapter . Wilhelm Achill embarked on a military career in 1824 and was most recently a Prussian lieutenant. In 1829, while completely drunk, Wilhelm Achill and other soldiers stormed a house in Düsseldorf at night, the residents of which, including a pregnant woman, were severely abused. Maximilian von Westerholt tried in vain to get his son portrayed as uninvolved. Testimony proved the opposite. Wilhelm Achill's father, for example, had to pay compensation for pain and suffering, as well as the victims' medical expenses. In 1840, after he left the Prussian army, he insulted a landowner in order to duel with him. Instead of the duel, there was a lawsuit, which the landowner won and whose verdict Wilhelm Achill fined.


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Individual evidence

  1. Der Kickenberg, Osterfelder Heimatblatt No. 45, December 2017