Wilhelm Hillek

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Wilhelm Hillek (born July 4, 1927 , † December 23, 2009 ) was a retired colonel in the Austrian Armed Forces and editor of various books on the Wehrmacht .


In 1944 and 1945 Hillek served in the Wehrmacht, first in the Navy , then in the Army Flak. After the Second World War he was a member of the Austrian Federal Gendarmerie. In 1956/1957 he graduated from the Theresian Military Academy in Enns . In 1986 he resigned from active service.

Hillek was the author of the National-Zeitung - German weekly newspaper .

Awards and decorations (extract)


  • German soldiers - murderers or heroes . FZ-Verlag : Munich, 1997. ISBN 3-924309-35-3
  • Wilhelm Hillek (ed.): The Wehrmacht as a liberator - what is true? Discussions on a controversial aspect of contemporary history , FZ-Verlag: Munich, 2000, ISBN 3-924309-54-X

Individual evidence

  1. List of all decorations awarded by the Federal President for services to the Republic of Austria from 1952 (PDF; 6.9 MB)