Wilhelm Roeckel

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Wilhelm Roeckel (born August 3, 1865 in Herbholzheim , † January 25, 1936 in Bühl ) was a German Roman Catholic clergyman and member of the Baden Estates Assembly and the Baden Landtag ( center ).


Roeckel came from a petty bourgeoisie; Despite the precarious financial situation of the family caused by the death of his father, he passed the Abitur and studied theology at the University of Würzburg and the University of Freiburg . In 1901 the parish of Urloffen (now part of Appenweier ) was transferred to him.

In a responsible position, Roeckel built the Acher and Bühler Bote into the locally most influential newspaper. 1909–1925 Roeckel belonged to the second chamber of the Baden state assembly and the Baden state parliament for the constituency of Achern and was a member of the central parliamentary group there. In 1929 he was made an honorary citizen of the city of Bühl.

Web links

  • Speeches by Wilhelm Roeckel in the Baden State Assembly and the Baden State Parliament in the digital collections of the Baden State Library


  • Clemens Siebler: Roeckel, Wilhelm. In: Badische Biographien, NF, Vol. 4, pp. 236-238.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Clemens Siebler: Roeckel, Wilhelm . In: Badische Biographien, NF . tape 4 , p. 236-238 .