Wilhelm Schüffner

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Wilhelm Schuffner.  Wellcome M0014711.jpg

Wilhelm August Paul Schüffner (born January 2, 1867 in Gernheim , † December 24, 1949 in Hilversum ) was a German - Dutch professor of microbiology and immunology.


Schüffner worked in the Dutch East Indies from 1897 to 1923 , where he researched malaria . He was the chief physician of the Senembah-Maatschappij and campaigned for better living and working conditions for the plantation workers.

With these improvements on the plantation in Deli in North Sumatra , he showed that improved hygiene reduced malaria. During his investigations on the malaria pathogen, he observed that the pathogen enlarged and flaked the red blood cells and thus coined the term Schüffner stippling .

In 1916 he became hygienic advisor to the colonial government of the Dutch East Indies.

On May 18, 1926 he was accepted into the Royal Netherlands Academy of Sciences .

In 1935 Schüffner became a member of the Leopoldina .

During his time in Amsterdam he helped Friedrich von Müller to describe malaria in the paperback of medical-clinical diagnostics .

Web links

Commons : Wilhelm Schüffner  - Album with pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Antonius Franciscus Irawan Imam: Species Assanierung. The development of natural methods of combating malaria in the Dutch East Indies (1913-1938) and their possible significance for current problems in combating malaria. (PDF, 1 MB) 2003, p. 61 , accessed on May 23, 2011 : "Wilhelm August Paul SCHÜFFNER, chief physician of the Senembah-Maatschappij, carried out an extensive field test in Deli from 1897 to 1907 ..."
  2. ^ Alfons Labisch: Species sanitation of malaria in the Netherlands East Indies (1913–1942) - an example of applied medical history? In: Michael Quarterly 3/10. The Norwegian Medical Society, 2010, pp. 296-306 , accessed May 23, 2011 .
  3. Therapy of malaria. (No longer available online.) German Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health (DTG), 2011, p. 5 , archived from the original on January 5, 2012 ; Retrieved September 16, 2011 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.awmf.org
  4. Friedrich Müller, Otto Seifert : Pocket book of medical-clinical diagnostics. JF Bergmann , Wiesbaden 1886; 13th edition, Wiesbaden 1909 ( archive ); 50th edition 1941; from 1942 (55th edition) to 1966 (69th edition) ed. by Hans Kress von Kressenstein , Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1966, p. IV f. (From Friedrich Müller's foreword to the 49th to 54th edition. Munich, October 1941).