Wilhelm Stocker (agricultural scientist)

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Wilhelm Stocker (born May 22, 1899 in Ratzenried ; † April 24, 1979 in Wangen im Allgäu ) was a German milk scientist, specialist teacher and author.


Following his training in dairy (master craftsman's certificate), Stocker studied agriculture, chemistry and bacteriology in Hohenheim, Munich and Kiel (state examination as a qualified farmer in 1923). He then worked as a researcher and teacher, most recently as a senior agricultural councilor at the state dairy teaching and research institute at the Dr. Oskar Farny Institute in Wangen im Allgäu.

He published his research results and knowledge in over 200 papers, including a. in his textbook “General Basics of Cheese Making Technology” and as a co-author of the “History of the Allgäu Dairy Industry”. Since he had a broad theoretical as well as practical knowledge, many official bodies such as the German Agricultural Society (DLG) and dairy institutions regularly made use of his knowledge. He was responsible for paying for the milk based on fat content and quality. In addition, he developed a lysate from lactic acid bacteria , which is still used today as a medicine, largely unchanged. He is considered a pioneer of the probiotic therapy approach.

Publications (selection)

  • General principles of cheese making technology . Economics Verl., Kempten (Allgäu) 1957, DNB  454895011 (135 p.: With illustration, 3 folding plates, 5 plates).
  • with Karl Lindner: History of the Allgäu dairy industry: 100 years of Allgäu milk in the service of nutrition . Published by the Milchwirtschaftl. Association in the Allgäu u. process in his order. by Karl Lindner. House d. Dairy industry: Milchwirtschaftl. Verein im Allgäu, Kempten 1955, DNB  451508254 (XI, 582 p.: With ill., 4 plates).
  • Yeasts as cheese puffs, lactic acid bacteria as antibionts . From the Staatl. Milk w. Teaching u. Research Institute Wangen im Allgäu. In: Deutsche Molkerei-Zeitung. [Vol.] 75. 1954 . Allgäuer Druckerei u. Verlagsanst., Kempten (Allgäu) 1954, DNB  454895038 (15 pages: with 6 illustrations).
  • The fat content and quality payment for milk in the area of ​​the Allgäu Dairy Association . Deutsche Molkerei-Zeitung, Kempten (Allgäu) 1938, DNB  361720939 (12 pages: with 4 illustrations).


  • dmz episode 21/1974 p. 805
  • dmz episode 18/1979 p. 687
  • dmz episode 20/1979 p. 762f
  • Stocker, Wilhelm Kempten (Allgäu), Volkswirtschaftlicher Vlg. (F. Deutsche Molkerei-Zeitung), 1957.