Wilhelm Stuhlmann

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Wilhelm Stuhlmann (born June 1, 1946 in Medebach ) is a German doctor specializing in psychiatry , neurology , psychotherapy and clinical geriatrics . He is the author of several books on dementia .


Wilhelm Stuhlmann studied medicine and psychology at the University of Düsseldorf . From 1985 to 1994 he was senior physician in the geriatric psychiatric department of the Rheinische Landes- und Hochschulklinik / Psychiatric Klinik of Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, from 1994 to 2001 chief physician of the gerontopsychiatric department of the Rheinische Kliniken Cologne. He has been practicing in his own practice since 2001 and has been chairman of the regional association of Alzheimer's societies in NRW e. V. Wilhelm Stuhlmann has published several books on dementia and was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon in 2010 .

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