Wilhelm Tempel (SS member)

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Wilhelm Tempel (born November 1, 1908 ; † May 29, 1946 in Landsberg am Lech ) was an SS squad leader and was employed as a labor service and report leader in the Dachau concentration camp .


Tempel, married and the father of five children, had been a member of the SS since 1932 . In May 1940 he became a member of the Waffen SS and in October 1942 was transferred to the Majdanek concentration camp and later to the Auschwitz concentration camp , where he worked until July 25, 1944. On August 6, 1944, he was transferred to the Dachau concentration camp. And from there on August 15, 1944, he was assigned to the Dachau subcamp Kaufering IV as a labor service leader. In January 1945 he was transferred from there to the Kaufering I satellite camp and worked there as a report leader. At the end of April 1945 he accompanied an evacuation march from there .

On November 15, 1945 Temple in Dachau main process , in response to the Dachau trials took place, on charges of war crimes before a US military court found, and on 13 December 1945, 35 other co-defendants to death by the strand convicted. In the judgment, the severe abuse of prisoners by being beaten with a rubber baton and the shooting of several prisoners were taken into account as individual acts of excess at Tempel. The sentence was carried out on May 29, 1946 in the Landsberg War Crimes Prison .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Holger Lessing: The first Dachau trial (1945/46). , Baden-Baden 1993, p. 324