Wilhelmine Luise Elisabeth von Schlieben

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Wilhelmine Louise Elisabeth von Schlieben (born December 13, 1765 in Briesen , † July 9, 1852 in Golßen ) was a German poet who also published some of her poems under the pseudonym Wilhelmine von Saxx.

Live and act

Wilhelmine Louise Elisabeth von Schlieben came from an ancient Lusatian noble family and was the fourth and youngest child of Hans Ernst von Schlieben and his wife, a née von Bredow-Friesak. She grew up well protected and in well-off circumstances. She wrote her first poems at the age of eight. Her poetic model was Anna Louise Karschin . Above mentioned, Elisabeth von Schlieben sent her first long poem with the title Saxony's Compassion at the Grave of the Great Frederick . The well-known poet found this so good that she had it published after a few corrections. A lively correspondence developed between the two women.

In 1817 the noblewoman sold the Briesen estate, but reserved the right to live for life. With the acquired assets, Elisabeth von Schlieben set up a foundation. a. 1822 the free school in Briesen was built.

In addition to the publication of poems, Elisabeth von Schlieben published several spiritual works.

Today a street in her birthplace commemorates the poet and a primary school bears her name.


  • Saxony's sympathy at the grave of the great Friedrich . Leipzig 1786
  • Poems . Leipzig 1795
  • Celebration of memorable events in the years 1813 to 1816. An attempt in sermons . Leipzig 1817


  • Carl Ludwig Lang (Hrsg.): German Literature Lexicon . Fifteenth volume. Bern 1993, pp. 178-179

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. von Schlieben . schlossarchiv.de
  2. Wilhelmine Louise Elisabeth von Schlieben: Saxony's sympathy at the grave of the great Frederick. Said to Karschin on your call to the stranger by Wilhelmine Louise von Schlieben from Niederlausitz . GJ Decker, 1786 ( Google Books ).