William Carter (martyr)

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William Carter (* 1544 or 1548 in London ; † January 11, 1584 by execution in Tyburn ) was an English editor , printer and is considered a Catholic martyr .


He was born in London to the cloth merchant John Carter and his wife Agnes . From February 1562 he went for ten years to John Cawood (1514-1572), the Queen's printer, in the apprenticeship and then worked as secretary to Nicholas Harpsfield (1519-1575), the last Catholic Archdeacon of Canterbury . After his death he married and set up a printing shop in Tower Hill.

In 1580 he printed a new edition (1000 copies) of Gregory Martin's " A Treatise of Schism ", among other Catholic books . He had already been arrested and taken to the Gatehouse once from September 23 to October 28, 1578, before being taken to Poultry Prison and Tower Prison in 1582 . After torture in Old Bailey Prison , he was sentenced to death on January 10, 1584 for printing Martin's book in which a paragraph expressed confidence that Catholic Hope would triumph and kill the devout "Judith" "Holofernes". This was interpreted as an accusation, Queen Elizabeth I kill. Because of high treason , he was executed.


  • Leona Rostenberg: The Minority Press and the English Crown. A Study in Repression, 1558-1625 Nieuwkoop: De Graaf 1971
  • HS Benett: English Books and Readers, 1558 to 1603, Cambridge University Press 1965
  • Nicholas Sander's Schismatis Anglicani and Catholic Histories of the Reformation
  • Nicholas Sander: De Origine ad Progressu Schismatis Anglicani (1585), First official Catholic account of the schism in the Church ( Chisma ), appeared between 1585 and 1628 in six Latin editions and was subsequently translated into French, German and Italian; Portuguese, Polish and Spanish language translated.

Web links


  1. http://www.heiligenlexikon.de/KalenderJanuar/11.htm
  2. http://www.ulrich-falke.de/eab/indexadd.htm?http://www.ulrich-falke.de/eab/post/molinari.html