William de Braose (Bishop)

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William de Braose († 1287 ) was an Anglo-Welsh clergyman. From 1266 he was Bishop of Llandaff .

The Lady Chapel of Llandaff Cathedral, built under Braose

William de Braose came from the Anglo-Norman family Braose , although his exact ancestry is not clear. He was a canon at Llandaff Cathedral when he was elected unchallenged by the Cathedral Chapter as the new bishop in April 1266 . In May 1266 he was ordained bishop of the diocese of Llandaff . Little is known about his activity as a bishop. The bishop's palace was probably built in Llandaff . He had the Lady Chapel added to the cathedral choir , where he was buried.

After his death, King wanted Edward I , the temporalities take her in his administration of the diocese, but already by the marcher lord Roger Bigod , Humphrey de Bohun , William de Braose , de Clare Gilbert and Edmund of Lancaster were repossessed. However, the king forced the barons to hand over the temporalities to him. Only Gilbert de Clare started a long legal battle with the king, which was not decided in favor of the king until 1290. After Braose's death, the Llandaff diocese remained vacant for several years. Only in the spring of 1294 was a new bishop of Llandaff elected, who was not recognized by the Pope until 1297.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Glanmor Williams, M. Fay Williams: Glamorgan county history, Vol. 3. Glamorgan County History Trust, Cardiff 1938, p. 111
  2. ^ British Listed Buildings: Ruins of the Old Bishop's Palace, Llandaff. Retrieved June 3, 2018 .
  3. Nick Lambert: Llandaff Cathedral. Seren, Bridgend 2010, ISBN 978-1-85411-499-0 , p. 35
  4. Llandaff Cathedral: The Lady Chapel. Retrieved June 3, 2018 .
  5. ^ Michael Altschul: A baronial family in medieval England. The Clares . The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore 1965, p. 274
predecessor Office successor
William of Radnor Bishop of Llandaff
John Monmouth