Willy Ernst

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Willy Ernst (born August 2, 1878 in Skurz ; † March 1937 ) was a German secret councilor and ministerial director and co-founder of the customs border guard .

He came from the Stargard district , where his father Hermann Ernst was forest treasurer in Skurz. After attending the humanistic grammar school, he studied in Berlin. In 1901 he became a trainee lawyer. In 1906 he passed the state examination and became a court assessor. In 1908 he moved to the Prussian customs administration, where he became a government assessor. Three years later he became a member of the General Customs Directorate and in 1913 was appointed to the Government Council. In 1918 he was appointed to the Prussian Ministry of Finance and in 1919 appointed to the Secret Finance Council. In the same year he moved to the Reich Ministry of the Interior, where he stayed until his retirement. In 1925 he took over the management of the Customs and Excise Department. As such, he was involved in the establishment of the customs border guard from 1936.


  • Renaming of the customs motorboat "Bodan" to "Willy Ernst"


  • Hermann AL Degeners: Denegers Who is it ?. Berlin 1935, p. 371.
  • Christiane Kuller: Bureaucracy and Crime. Anti-Semitic financial policy and administrative practice in National Socialist Germany (= The Reich Ministry of Finance in National Socialism, Vol. 1). Oldenbourg, Munich 2013, p. 62.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ History of the Customs Border Guard 1937-45 .