Wim Polak

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Wim Polak (Photo: 1982)

Willem Polak (born September 14, 1924 in Amsterdam , † October 1, 1999 in Ilpendam , province of North Holland ) was a Dutch politician ( Partij van de Arbeid (PvdA)) and mayor of Amsterdam.

Wim Polak became State Secretary in the Den Uyl cabinet in May 1973 . In June 1977 he was appointed mayor of Amsterdam to succeed Ivo Samkalden . Ed van Thijn followed him in 1983.

In 1983 Polak was appointed commander of the Order of Orange-Nassau .

Web links

Commons : Wim Polak  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files
predecessor Office successor
Ivo Samkalden Mayor of Amsterdam
Ed van Thijn