Winand Gellner

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Winand Gellner (* 1955 ) is a German political scientist and professor at the Chair of Political Science at the University of Passau .


After studying to be a teacher, Gellner graduated with the state examination in 1981. From 1982 he was a research assistant at the University of Trier in the political science department with Erwin Faul. In 1984 he was doing a research stay in London and in the autumn of 1986 Gellner submitted his dissertation entitled "Regulatory Policy in Television. Political Framework and Development Conditions in the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain".

In 1987 he received his doctorate as Dr. phil. majoring in Political Science and minor subjects Newer German Literature and Older German Philology.

In 1989 he was a Fulbright Fellow in the American Studies Program at New York University and in 1990 at the University of California, Berkeley . In 1997 he was offered the chair for political science at the University of Passau, which he still holds today.


  • Winand Gellner, Armin Glatzmeier (2004): Power and counterpower. Introduction to Government.


  1. ^ Winand Gellner - RegioWiki. In: Retrieved June 14, 2016 .
  2. Prof. Dr. Winand Gellner - University of Passau. In: Retrieved June 14, 2016 .