Witold Stankowski

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Witold Stankowski

Witold Stankowski (born July 26, 1966 in Kartuzy ) is a Polish historian. He is Rector at the State Rittmeister Witold Pilecki University in Małopolska , Professor of Humanities at the Rittmeister Witold Pilecki University in Małopolska and at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow.


Witold Stankowski graduated from the Józef Wybicki Lyceum in Kościerzyna with the Abitur. In 1989 he successfully completed his studies in history at the University of Gdansk and started as a research assistant at the Institute of History at the Pedagogical University in Bydgoszcz, later the University of Bydgoszcz . In 1995 he completed his doctorate in humanities with the topic “The expulsion of the German population from Gdansk and Pomerania in the years 1945–1950” with distinction. His doctoral supervisor was Włodzimierz Jastrzębski . In 2002 he completed his habilitation at the University of Danzig with the habilitation thesis "Camps and other detention facilities for the German civilian population in the years 1945–1950". He also completed postgraduate studies in administration and management. On October 1, 2004, he was appointed professor at the Jagiellonian University in Cracow and was given a chair in the Faculty of International and Political Studies, which he still holds today. On May 12, 2011 he was appointed professor at the State Rittmeister Witold Pilecki University in Oświęcim, where he was director of the Institute for Political Science from 2008 to 2012. In April 2012 the Senate elected him rector of the State Rittmeister-Witold-Pilecki-Hochschule.

He was a fellow of the Foundation for Polish Science, the German Academic Exchange Service ( DAAD ), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the German Bundestag . He was awarded the Silver Cross of Merit of the Polish State for his contribution to German-Polish reconciliation. He is a member of the Organizing and Legislative Committee of the Rectors' Conference of Academic Schools in Poland. In 2011 he won the fourth prize for the best popular scientific historical book with the title “I will not die of a natural death” about the scout Janina Lech.

Stankowski is married and has three sons.


Witold Stankowski specializes in recent history, particularly in the history of World War II, the history of Europe, the European Union and Germany's politics after the Second World War. One of the main goals of his academic work is German-Polish reconciliation and the integration of Poland into the European Union. He is the author of various biographies, including those on Simon Wiesenthal , Witold Pilecki and Witold Mystkowski . Witold Stankowski comes from a family of teachers. The father Leon Stankowski was a teacher in Kashubia (Działdowo, Rywoczyny), in Gdansk and Pomerania (Pierszczewo).


  • Niemcy na Pomorzu Gdańskim i Kujawach w latach 1944/1945–1950. Ucieczka, życie codzienne, wysiedlenie. (“Germans in Pomerania in the years 1944/1945–1950, daily life, flight and deportation”), Bydgoszcz 2000.
  • Camp for Germans in Poland using the example of Pomerania / West Prussia. Review and analysis of Polish archives. Bonn 2001.
  • Obozy i inne miejsca odosobnienia dla niemieckiej ludności cywilnej w Polsce w latach 1945–1950. ("Camps and other detention facilities for the German civilian population in the years 1945-1950"), Bydgoszcz 2002.
  • Wspólna czy podzielona pamięć? Obóz Potulitz / Lebrechtsdorf / Potulice w latach 1941–1945 i jego powojenne losy 1945–1949. (“The Potulitz / Lebrechtsdorf / Potulice camps in the years 1941–1945 and 1945–1949, post-war life”), Praca zbiorowa pod red. G. Bekkera, W. Stankowskiego, Bydgoszcz 2007.
  • with D. Kanarek-Lizik: Z dziejów jednostek penitencjarnych na Pomorzu Gdańskim. Historia Aresztu Śledczego w Bydgoszczy. (“The history of the prison in the Pommer province, history of the detention center in Bydgoszcz”), Bydgoszcz 2008.
  • with K. Koźbiał: Konstytucja Księstwa Liechtenstein. Naród-państwo-polityka. (“The Constitution of the Principality of Liechtenstein, National Policy”), Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Kraków 2009.
  • with Szymon Wiesenthal: Biografia. ("Simon Wiesenthal, biography"), Książka i Wiedza 2009.
  • Wolni i zniewoleni. Rtm. Witold Pilecki i inni więźniowie KL Auschwitz wobec nowej rzeczywistości powojennej. ("Enslaved for free, Rittmeister Witold Pilecki and other prisoners of Auschwitz in the new reality of the post-war period"), Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Witolda Stankowskiego, Oświęcim 2010.
  • Never umrę śmiercią naturalną… Janina Lech harcerka, poetka, ofiara hitlerowskiego bezprawia oraz jej rodzina. Zapomniani włocławscy bohaterowie. (“I will not die of natural causes…. Girl scout Janina Lech, poet, victim of Nazi lawlessness and her family, forgotten heroes from Włocławek”), Włocławek 2010.
  • Europeistyka. Leksykon. (“Lexicon on European Studies”), Redakcja naukowa Witold Stankowski, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN Warszawa 2011.
  • with Witold Mystkowski: Ostatni prezydent miasta Włocławka Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Życie, działalność, losy. Biblioteka Prezydentów Miasta Włocławka. (“Witold Mystkowski, last president of the city of Włocławek in the Second Republic, his life, his fate”), Włocławskie Towarzystwo Naukowe Włocławek 2012.


  • Silver Cross of Merit for the contribution to the normalization of German-Polish relations
  • 2008, 2009: Award from the Rector of the State University in Oświęcim for teaching and organization
  • 2009: Group award by the rector of the Jagiellonian University for achievements in scientific work
  • 2010: Awarded by the rector of the Jagiellonian University
  • 2011: Award from the mayor of Włoclawek for the book "I will not die of natural causes ..."
  • 2012: Third degree award from the Rector of Jagiellonian University
  • 2018: Federal Cross of Merit on ribbon

Individual evidence

  1. ^ W. Stankowski, Szymon Wiesenthal. Biografia, Wydawnictwo Książka i Wiedza Warszawa 2009
  2. Wolni i zniewoleni. Rtm.Witold Pilecki i inni więźniowie KL Auschwitz wobec nowej rzeczywistości powojennej, Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Witolda Stankowskiego, Oświęcim 2010 r
  3. W. Stankowski, Witold Mystkowski, Ostatni prezydent miasta Włocławka drugiej Rzeczypospolitej. Życie-działalność-losy. Seria Biblioteka Prezydentów Miasta Włocławka. Włocławek 2012
  4. https://uczelnia.pwsz-oswiecim.edu.pl/xiii-inauguracja-roku-akademickiego-2018-2019-w-naszej-uczelni-z-udzialem-ministra-nauki-i-szkolnictwa-wyzszego-pana-jaroslawa -gowinaa /