Vladimir Gradew

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Vladimir Gradev in Varna, April 2015

Vladimir Nikolaew Gradew ( Bulgarian Владимир Николаев Градев ; born May 12, 1963 in Varna ) is a Bulgarian philosopher , religious scholar , diplomat and translator .

In the Bulgarian philosophical and religious studies specialist world he became known through work on Michel Foucault , French philosophy of poststructuralism , Martin Heidegger , Carl Schmitt and others, and translations by Michel Foucault, Blaise Pascal , Jacques Derrida , Gilles Deleuze , Giacomo Leopardi and Simone Weil . Gradew was Bulgarian Ambassador (2001-2006) to the Holy See and the Sovereign Order of Malta . For his work as an ambassador he was awarded the Order of Pius (Grand Cross) and the Order of Merit Pro Merito Melitensi (Grand Cross). He is an honorary member of the Florentine Academy “Collegio dei Nobili” and a member of the foreign committee of “Les Etats généraux de la psychanalyse”.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Staff at the Department of History and Theory of Culture at the University of Sofia (Bulgarian and English ).
  2. List of Vladimir Gradews publications in Nalis catalog .
  3. ↑ The curriculum vitae of Vladimir Gradew ( memento from March 25, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) on the page of the journal “Diplomazija” (Bulgarian and English ( memento from May 13, 2016 in the Internet Archive )).