Wladimiro Dorigo

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Wladimiro Dorigo (born June 26, 1927 in Venice ; † July 1, 2006 ibid) was a Venetian politician, historian and art historian.

life and work

Wladimiro Dorigo was born the son of a socialist railroad worker. At the age of 16 he joined the partisan movement, in which he was active until the end of the war in 1945. At the same time he worked for the Azione Cattolica and was editor-in-chief of the Gioventù magazine . But in 1954 he got into a dispute with the Vatican because of the forced resignation of the president of the youth branch Mario Vittorio Rossi (1925-1976) , as he fought an electoral alliance with the post-fascist MSI in the Roman local elections.

After this defeat, Dorigo returned to Venice and became involved in the left wing of the Democrazia Cristiana . There he headed the official party newspaper Il Popolo Veneto , but as one of the leading figures of the "sinistra di Base" in constant conflict with the official line of Amintore Fanfani . This was about the dialogue between Christian Democratic and socialist groups, which was fought above all by the nationwide President of the Azione Cattolica, Luigi Gedda . The local alliance between Christian Democrats and Socialists, known as “Formula Venezia”, was rejected by both the Democrazia Cristiana leadership and the Curia, which called on Venice's Patriarch Angelo Roncalli to intervene against any form of such alliance. Dorigo was threatened with excommunication.

Thereupon he resigned from the management of his magazine in February 1958 and gradually resigned all offices. From April 1958 he worked on the magazine Questitalia , with which he intervened in central discussions of Catholicism, such as the relationship between state and church or the question of the church in the former colonies. It was discontinued in 1970, but it had a significant influence on the debates of the New Left.

In 1974 he supported the Partito Radicale's campaign to defend the institution of divorce , and then advised the Partito Comunista Italiano as an independent party . At the same time he worked from 1957 to 1983 at the Ente autonomo della Biennale di Venezia , from 1972 to 1983 as Conservatore of the Archivio Storico della Biennale (ASAC). He was also Vice Commissario straordinario of the Biennale from 1971 to 1973 .

In 2004, he published an appeal for the release of his son Paolo Dorigo, who had been imprisoned for an assassination attempt on the Aviano air base . Paolo Dorigo had been on hunger strike to obtain medical evidence that he had been tortured.

Venezia romanica , 2003

Wladimiro Dorigo published a number of important works on the Venetian Middle Ages and late antiquity. Pittura tardoromana was published in 1966 , then mainly the two-volume work Venezia origini , finally Venezie sepolte nella terra del Piave in 1994 and finally Venezia romanica , also in two volumes , in 2003. In 1986, together with Giuseppe Mazzariol , he founded Venezia arti , the magazine of Dipartimento, later named Dipartimento di storia delle arti e Conservazione dei beni artistici "G. Mazzariol" . This line only ended with his death. The more archaeologically oriented works on the early Middle Ages were created in close collaboration with Ernesto Canal , which began in 1977.

Dorigo worked as a lecturer at the University of Venice , where he directed the dipartimento di Storia e Critica delle Arti from 1991 to 1994 . On December 15, 2005, he received an honorary doctorate from the town planner of Ca 'Tron.

Fondo librario Dorigo

In 2008 Dorigo's son donated his father's personal library to the Biblioteca di Area Umanistica at the University of Venice. The collection comprises 14,795 books, plus over 10,000 other pieces, many of which have Dorigo's notes.


  • Ennio Concina, Giordana Trovabene, Michela Agazzi (eds.): Hadriatica. Attorno a Venezia e al Medioevo tra arti, storia e storiografia. Scritti in onore di Wladimiro Dorigo , Il Poligrafo, Padua 2002.
  • Michela Agazzi: Wladimiro Dorigo , in: ARTE Documento 22 (2006).

Web links


  1. Interview with Wladimiro Dorigo in La Nuova Venezia , November 18, 2004.
  2. ^ Pittura tardoromana , Feltrinelli, Milan 1966.
  3. Venezia origini , Electa, Milan 1983.
  4. ^ Venezie sepolte nella terra del Piave , Viella, Rome 1994.
  5. Venezia romanica , Cierre-Istituto Veneto Scienze Lettere e arti, Venice 2003.
  6. ^ Università Ca Foscari, Venezia. Scheda fondo librario Wladimiro Dorigo (PDF).