Wolfgang Adam Schoepf

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Wolfgang Adam Schoepf in a portrait of Wolfgang Dietrich Majer in the Tübingen Professorengalerie

Wolfgang Georg Adam Schoepf the Younger (also Wolfgang Adam Schöpff ; born September 23, 1679 in Schweinfurt , † May 21, 1770 in Tübingen ) was named Dr. juris Württemberg council and legal scholar.

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Wolfgang Adam Schoepf came from a respected family of officials who held ecclesiastical and secular offices in the Margraviate of Bayreuth for over two centuries. The grandfather, Wolfgang Schoepf , was the mayor of Wunsiedel, the father, Wolfgang Adam Schoepf the elder , the oldest mayor of Schweinfurt and later an imperial freed judge and bailiff there.

Schoepf studied at the University of Tübingen , was licentiate in 1703 and under the chairmanship of the well-known law teacher Ferdinand Christoph Harpprecht with the dissertation De assignatione nominis 1703 doctor of both rights. He then entered court practice with the title of a real ducal-Württemberg council, gave legal lectures and issued legal opinions ( consilia ) upon request . In 1713 he was appointed assessor at the Württemberg court, two years later, in 1715, at the same time as associate professor of law, in 1718 as assessor in the legal faculty, and finally in 1727 as professor ordinarius pandectarum et praxeos , renouncing his position at the ducal court, which he did 1744 took over again. In 1745 he also joined the Collegium illustrious as an assessor and in the following year, 1746, he took over the position of Primanus and Senior at the head of the Tübingen law faculty. He remained in this function until his death, and therefore rejected both the position of a secret council and the presentation to the Wetzlar Reich Chamber of Commerce. He died at the age of 91 on May 21, 1770 as the oldest law teacher in Germany, both after years of life and doctorate.

He was rector of the Tübingen University five times , so he held the office in 1729/1730, 1738/1739, 1741, 1745/1746 and 1750/1751.


Schoepf developed a fruitful literary activity from 1716 to 1764, as evidenced by a number of legal dissertations:

  • Contributions to the more recent Tübingen Consilien Collection , Volume VIII. (Tübingen 1741) and Volume IX. (Ulm 1755)
  • Tractatus de processu summi Appellationum Tribunalis Ducatus Würtemb. Stuttgart 1720, 4 °, which appeared in a second, increased edition with a twelve-line title in 1748 there
  • Tractatio de proc. unilaterale cumprimis contumaciale etc. etc. (Tübingen 1748)
  • De effectibus specialibus contumaciae
