Wolfgang Heuer (politician)

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Wolfgang Heuer (born May 5, 1909 in Osnabrück , † unknown) was a German politician ( DP , CDU ).


This year attended the secondary school in his hometown Osnabrück. After graduating from high school, he studied pharmacy at the Universities of Kiel and Marburg , where he joined the Hasso-Borussia Marburg Landsmannschaft .

Heuer had been a member of the NSDAP since May 1, 1933 ( membership number 3,066,966). In 1934 he passed the pharmaceutical state examination in Marburg. With the beginning of the war in 1939 he became a war participant and was taken prisoner of war , from which he was released in 1946.

Since 1942 he was the tenant of his father's pharmacy in Osnabrück. In 1947 he was elected chairman of the district association of the Chamber of Pharmacists for Lower Saxony in Osnabrück. He was also active in the government's pharmaceutical council in Osnabrück.

In 1947 Heuer joined the German party and in 1949 became chairman of the Osnabrück district association of his party. In 1956 he moved to the city council of Osnabrück. On November 6, 1957, he replaced Fritz Logemann , who had been elected to the German Bundestag , in the Lower Saxony state parliament . There he belonged to the joint faction of his party with the CDU until the end of the 1959 electoral term. After the state elections in 1959, the German party again formed an independent parliamentary group. Due to the merger of the DP with the GB / BHE , Heuer became a member of the merged All-German Party in 1961, for which he ran unsuccessfully in the 1961 Bundestag election in the Bundestag constituency of Osnabrück City and State . After the DP and GB / BHE in Lower Saxony were unable to agree on a parliamentary group despite the merger of the parties in the state parliament, as most of the DP MPs did not accept the previous government participation of the GB / BHE with the SPD and FDP, but the expellees wanted to hold on to it, remained a member of the DP parliamentary group this year. On March 28, 1962, however, he left the DP parliamentary group and joined the CDU, for which he was a member of the state parliament until the end of the 1963 electoral term.


  • Barbara Simon : Member of Parliament in Lower Saxony 1946–1994. Biographical manual. Edited by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Lower Saxony State Parliament, Hanover 1996, p. 160.

Individual evidence

  1. Hans-Peter Klausch : On the Nazi past of Lower Saxony state parliament members in the post-war period (PDF; 1.8 MB) p. 20.
  2. ^ Richard Stöss , Party Handbook , Westdeutscher Verlag , Opladen 1986, page 1084 (paperback edition), ISBN 3-531-11838-2 .