Wolfgang Knes

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Wolfgang Knes 2014

Wolfgang Knes (born February 24, 1964 in Wolfsberg , Carinthia ) is an Austrian politician ( SPÖ ). Knes was a member of the Austrian National Council from October 2013 to October 2019 .


Wolfgang Knes attended elementary and secondary school in Frantschach-Sankt Gertraud , before completing his training as a machine fitter first in Wolfsberg and later in Krumpendorf . From 1982 to 1982 he did military service in the armed forces .

In 1984 he finally found work as a machine fitter at Mondi Frantschach . Over the next 30 years he worked his way up the company hierarchy, became a member of the supervisory board in 2006 and was elected chairman of the works council in 2008 .

Knes began his political career in March 2003 when he joined the Wolfsberg municipal council for the SPÖ . In March 2009, he successfully stood for election as First Vice Mayor. In the city government he was responsible for business and sports .

In October 2013 he was sworn in as a member of the National Council. After the National Council election in 2019 , he resigned from the National Council.

Knes is married and has two children.


In March 2019, a derailment of Knes' Facebook led to criticism and calls for resignation. With regard to the then running AK elections , he called the list of Freedom Workers "the Freedom Workers traitors" and wrote: "Whoever votes for you has a serious illness ...". The FPÖ called for Knes to be excluded from the parliamentary club and the SPÖ. After this criticism, Knes deleted his post and then distributed a broadcast in which he apologized for the choice of words.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ 5:40 p.m., March 9, 2019: Fuss about Facebook posting: SPÖ politician describes FPÖ voters as "seriously ill". March 9, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  2. ^ SPÖ politicians: FPÖ voters are "seriously ill". March 9, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  3. FPÖ sees SPÖ MPs ready to resign because of posting. March 9, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  4. Heute.at: All FPÖ voters have a serious illness. March 9, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .
  5. ORF at / agencies red: SPÖ MP apologizes for choice of words. March 9, 2019, accessed March 15, 2019 .