Wolfgang Marotzke

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Wolfgang Marotzke (* 1949 in Bielefeld ) is a German lawyer and professor at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen .


Marotzke first attended secondary school before he passed his Abitur after graduating from the Friedrich von Bodelschwingh School in Bethel in 1968. In the same year he began studying law at the University of Cologne , which he later continued at the University of Bielefeld . In 1973 he passed the first state examination in law, and in 1975 the second. He then worked as a doctoral student with Gerhard Otte in Bielefeld. In 1977 he completed his doctorate. In 1984 Marotzke completed his habilitation, also with Otte. This was accompanied by the award of the venia legendi for civil law and civil procedural law.

In the winter semester 1983/84, before completing his habilitation, Marotzke held a chair for private law at the University of Hanover . He held his first own professorship from 1984, when he accepted a call from the University of Konstanz to the chair for civil law and related areas. He stayed there until 1989. In that year he moved to Erlangen , where he succeeded Karl-Heinz Schwab on the chair for civil law, civil procedural law, bankruptcy law and voluntary jurisdiction. In parallel to his work in Erlangen, in the winter semester 1991/1992 and in the summer semester 1992 he held teaching duties at the University of Jena due to a visiting professorship , which no longer had enough of its own teaching staff as a result of the measures taken in connection with German reunification. Marotzke declined a call to the chair for civil law, commercial and procedural law at the University of Göttingen. In 1994 he accepted a chair for civil law, civil procedural law, voluntary jurisdiction and insolvency law at the University of Tübingen .

Marotzke's research focuses on civil law and procedural law. His publication activities focus on inheritance law, the interfaces between inheritance and company law, insolvency law, legal policy, intellectual property law and the causes and management of financial market crises. Marotzke is also co-editor of the magazine for all insolvency law (ZInsO). After a public farewell lecture on the topic of risk sharing and responsibility as (effective?) Power-correctors. Some thoughts on corporate law, the genesis of banking and financial market crises as well as the fateful issues of global environmental and posterity protection and their publication by Springer specialist media, Marotzke retired in 2017 at the age of 67. However, he continues to work in research and teaching. He is also a co-signer of the “Statement by Scientists on Protests for More Climate Protection - # Scientists4Future” published in spring 2019. This statement supports the youth movement “ Fridays for Future ” in the underlying risk assessments and the demand for a significant stepping up of previous climate protection efforts.

Marotzke is married and has two daughters.

Writings and works (selection)


  • Eligibility law - an example of useful legal training? Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1977, ISBN 978-3-428-04071-1 . (Dissertation)
  • Mutual contracts in bankruptcy and settlement. Luchterhand, Munich 1985, ISBN 978-3-472-81107-7 . (Habilitation thesis)
  • Mutual contracts in the new bankruptcy law . 3. Edition. Luchterhand, Neuwied u. a. 2001, ISBN 978-3-16-145986-3 .
  • From injunctive relief under protection law to collective action. Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 1992, ISBN 978-3-16-145986-3 .
  • Risk sharing and responsibility as necessary power correctives. Thoughtful on corporate law as well as banking and environmental crises. Springer Fachmedien, Wiesbaden 2017


  • Public exploitation power and the Basic Law. A contribution to foreclosure theories. NJW 1978, 133-137.
  • "Court law tendencies" and dogmatic solutions when inheriting a member of a general partnership. AcP 184: 541-583 (1984).
  • Judgment effects against third parties and the right to be heard. ZZP 100 (1987), 164-211.
  • The logical second - a null with lasting effect? AcP 191 (1991), 177-200.
  • The influence of insolvency proceedings on restitution claims according to the property law. At the same time, a plea for more insolvency law thinking when redressing state injustice in the former GDR. ZIP 1993, 885-896.
  • BGB and InsO: two new disruption rights in conflict. KTS 2002, 1-51.
  • German insolvency law in systemic crises. Are Expropriation-Assisted Rescue Takeovers Better? JZ 2009, 763 - 774.
  • Succession protection for licenses in intellectual property law - illustrated using the example of the patent license. Journal for Intellectual Property (ZGE) / Intellectual Property Journal (IPJ) 2010, 233 - 272.
  • The M2Trade ruling of the Federal Court of Justice of July 19, 2012: a stumbling block on the way to the legal regulation of the insolvency resistance of licenses? At the same time a contribution to the scope of the protection of succession under intellectual property law in license chains. ZInsO 2012, 1737-1750.
  • Protection of legitimate expectations versus general creditor interests - thoughts on the interpretation and reform of the law to avoid insolvency. At the same time a statement on the legal-political demands of the business associations. ZInsO 2014, 417 - 447.
  • Legal hearing of opposing shareholders in the opening proceedings under insolvency law. ZInsO 2015, 325 - 334.
  • Financial market crisis and no end: does the state have to pay again for former HRE shareholders? JZ 2015, 597 - 606.


  • Legal nature and subject of dispute of the injunction from § 13 UWG. On the problem of parallel or delayed action by several authorized persons against the same person. ZZP 98 (1985), 160 - 199. (Habilitation lecture)
  • Since 1988 participation in the inheritance law volume by J. von Staudinger's Commentary on the Civil Code .
  • Since 1999 collaboration on the Heidelberg Commentary on the Insolvency Code. CF Müller Verlag, Heidelberg.

Individual evidence

  1. Farewell lecture on the genesis of banking and financial market crises as well as questions of the fate of global environmental and posterity protection , accessed on December 7, 2017
  2. Risk sharing and responsibility as necessary power correctives on springer.de, accessed on December 7, 2017
  3. ↑ List of signatures , accessed on September 22, 2019

Web links