Gerhard Otte

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Gerhard Otte (born April 13, 1935 in Hamm , Westphalia ) is a German lawyer and professor at Bielefeld University .


Gerhard Otte studied law at the Albert Ludwig University of Freiburg , the University of Vienna and the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster .

He passed his first state examination in 1958 and obtained his doctorate in 1962. After his second in 1963, he became a research assistant at the Institute for Canon Law at the University of Münster and completed his habilitation in 1969 on the subject of “Medieval and modern legal history including ecclesiastical legal history, civil matters Law and legal methodology ”.

In 1970 he was appointed professor at Bielefeld University and held the chair for German legal history, civil law and legal methodology. He was also a judge at the Hamm Higher Regional Court from 1973 to 1995. Gerhard Otte has retired since 2000.


Gerhard Otte is a member of the Catholic student union K.St.V. Osning to Münster and Bielefeld.


Publications and publications by Gerhard Otte:

  • Francisco de Vitoria's private law , research on the recent history of private law, Volume 7 (1964)
  • Gerhard Otte: Medieval and modern legal history including ecclesiastical legal history, civil law and legal methodology (1969)
  • Dialectics and Jurisprudence , Ius Commune, Special Issue 1 (1971)
  • Comparative sentences in law. On the logic of a mobile system , in: Yearbook for legal sociology and legal theory 2, pages 301-320 (1972)
  • On the historical effects of Christian natural law , in: Natural Law in Criticism, pages 61-79 (1973)
  • Probabilism: a theory on the border between theology and jurisprudence , in: La seconda scolastica nella formazione del diritto privato moderno, pages 283-302 (1973)
  • The so-called mos geometricus in jurisprudence , in: Quaderni Fiorentini per la storia del pensiero giuridico moderno 9, pages 179-196 (1979),
  • Law and Moral , in: Christian Faith in Modern Society, Volume 12, Pages 5 - 36 (1981)
  • Leibniz and the legal method , in: Zeitschrift für die neue Rechtsgeschichte 5, pages 1–21 (1983)
  • Critique of the legal concept of validity , in: Festschrift für Rudolf Gmür, pages 359–368 (1983)
  • On the use of comparative sentences in law , in: The movable system in current and future law, pages 271–285 (1986)
  • Civil law legislation in the "Third Reich" , in: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift , pages 2836–2842 (1988)
  • On the legitimation crisis of the state marriage , in: Juristische Schulung , pages 599-604 (1989)
  • News about the trial against Jesus? , in: Neue Juristische Wochenschrift , pages 1019-1026 (1992)
  • The classic decision: Der Bonifatiusfall , in: Legal training , pages 643-649 (1993)
  • The case law of the BGH on the informal determination of court heirs as a continuation of hereditary court thinking , in: Festschrift für Karl Kroeschell, pages 915-932 (1997)
  • The BGB in the ZGB of the former GDR , in: 100 Years BGB - 100 Years Staudinger, pages 209–219 (1990)
  • Is Conceptual Jurisprudence Really Dead? , in: Festgabe Zivilrechtslehrer 1934/35, pages 433–446 (1999)
  • The emergence of the doctrine of the impossibility of the claim , in: Memorial Colloquium for Christian Wollschläger, pages 5–14 (2000)
  • Introduction to inheritance law and commentary on §§ 1923, 1937–1957 BGB (edited 2012) and §§ 2064–2099 and 2147–2196 BGB , in: Staudinger (legal commentary ) (2003)
  • On AFJ Thibaut's “Theory of the Logical Interpretation of Roman Law” , in: Theory of Interpretation from Humanism to Romanticism - Jurisprudence, Philosophy, Theology, pages 191–201 (2001)
  • The right to compulsory portion - constitutional jurisprudence and legal policy , in: Archive for civilist practice, pages 317–362 (2003)
  • Rental available , in: Gedächtnisschrift für Jürgen Sonnenschein, pages 181–199 (2003)
  • The benefit of the historical interpretation - presented on the problem of the acquisition of non-debtor property in the foreclosure auction , in: Festschrift Hans Hattenhauer, pages 385–395 (2003)
  • The significance of the “Hohenzollern” decision of the Federal Constitutional Court for the freedom of testament , in: Journal for Inheritance Law and Asset Succession , pages 393–398 (2004)
  • The misery of the forfeiture clauses, in: Festschrift for Heinz Holzhauer, pages 527-537 (2005)
  • The arbitration clause in the inheritance contract of the House of Hohenzollern , in: Journal for the entire family law , pages 309-312 (2006)
  • On the inheritance of partnerships , in: Festschrift für Harm Peter Westermann, pages 535–551 (2008)
  • Open questions of testamentary arbitration , in: Schriften zum Notarrecht 4, pages 62–79 (2008)
  • The historical topic and its reception by Theodor Viehweg , in: Files of the 36th German Legal Historians' Day, pages 427–438 (2008)
  • "Got is selve right": right or just? , in: Festschrift for Hermann Nehlsen, pages 163–172 (2008)
  • Private autonomy in inheritance law , in: Journal for the entire inheritance law practice , pages 2–9 (2009)
  • Cicero or Boethius? To understand the arguments a minore and a maiore , in: Festschrift für Okko Behrends, pages 445–454 (2009)
  • The handwritten will as an ordinary form of creation according to the BGB - reasons and objections , in: Schriften zum Notarrecht 23, pages 31-45 (2011)
  • The natural jurisprudence of the post-war period , in: Rom, Recht, Religion - Symposium for Udo Ebert on his 70th birthday, pages 189– 204 (2011)
  • The narrow concept of family still applies , in: Journal for the entire family law , pages 585 - 588 (2011)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ University of Bielefeld, Gerhard Otte - Professional career
  2. ^ University of Bielefeld, Gerhard Otte - Publications