Wolfgang Pissors

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Wolfgang Pissors, 2017

Wolfgang Pissors (born December 16, 1958 in Lindenberg im Allgäu , Bavaria ) is a German actor and singer.


Wolfgang Pissors attended the Cours Simon drama school from 1989 to 1992 and the Frédéric Chopin Conservatory from 1996 to 2001 (“Atelier Lyrique” under the direction of Claude Allard).

He lives in Paris and works as a theater and film actor and singer in France.

He has appeared in numerous international films and television plays and has worked with the following directors: Woody Allen, Philippe Bérenger, Luc Besson, Joyce Bunuel, Paul Cowan, Stephen Frears, Robert Guédiguian, Caroline Huppert, Claude Lelouch, Jean-Paul Rappeneau and Jérôme Salle .

As a theater actor he was mainly seen under the direction of the directors Nicolas Liautard and Christian Schiaretti.

He was also responsible for the French stage version of Kafka's novel 'Amerika' with Nicolas Liautard (performances in 2007: Théâtre de la Tempète and La Scène Watteau).

Since 1998 he has been an actor, singer and dancer in the dance theater ensemble of the choreographer Myriam Dooge.

The French pianist and composer Isabelle Serrand composed chansons for Wolfgang Pissors in 2016 with texts by the poet Jean-Pierre Siméon. In addition, Serrand and Pissors went on tour in Germany (Berlin, Leipzig, Dresden, Bonn and others) in 2013 with the Eisler-Kosma program "Together * Ensemble".

Filmography (selection)

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