Largo Winch - Deadly Legacy

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German title Largo Winch - Deadly Legacy
Original title Largo Winch
Country of production France , Belgium
original language French , English , Portuguese , Bosnian
Publishing year 2008
length 108 minutes
Age rating FSK 16
Director Jérôme Salle
script Julien Rappeneau ,
Jean Van Hamme ,
Phillippe Francq
production Nathalie Gastaldo ,
Phillippe Godeau
music Alexandre Desplat
camera Denis Rouden
cut Richard Marizy

Successor  →
Largo Winch II - The Burma Conspiracy

Largo Winch is a French - Belgian action and adventure film from 2008. It is based on the well-known and successful comic and book series Largo Winch by Jean Van Hamme .


Billionaire Nerio Winch, head of a global consortium of companies, dies in the port of Hong Kong . A stranger pulls him off board his yacht and drowns him, which is initially perceived as an accident. Since the Winch Group is now without management, Nerio has no biological descendants and the company shares are also being massively bought up, the board of directors fears a hostile takeover. But Ann Ferguson, deputy CEO, can reassure the members. Nerio had made provisions all his life, because there is an inheritance: an adopted son named Largo.

In several flashbacks, the viewer learns Largo's career: he was an orphan in a Bosnian children's home when Nerio Winch adopted him 27 years ago. This brings him up with the befriended couple Hannah and Josip, who raise him secret and protected together with their biological son Goran. Largo is later raised by Nerio personally but very isolated and sent to Swiss elite schools. In spite of all this, there has been a distinction and hostility between the two for years, since Largo finds out his true origin. Therefore, he distances himself from the Winch name and heritage. Ultimately, Freddy, Nero's bodyguard and confidante, finds him in Brazil, where Largo is serving a prison sentence for a drug offense.

Back at the Hong Kong headquarters, the board is initially skeptical about Largo. However, he thinks Ferguson is on his side, who sees Largo as the savior of the Winch group. He assures the supervisory board with bonds whose storage location only he knows and which the majority of the consortium guarantees to legitimize them later. After a board member is murdered in the headquarters, the hostile takeover is discovered: The Russian patron Korsky, who sometimes conducts illegal arms deals, wants to take over the Winch group.

In order to forestall this, Ferguson proposes a counter-acceptance by the Winch consortium. Largo promises to organize the necessary capital in the form of its bonds. For this purpose he travels back to Croatia, where the documents are securely stored in a hidden island monastery that Nerio and Largo once used as a secret retreat. Largo is checked by a henchman command. This is led by Stephan Marcus, the Winch security chief, who is apparently playing a double game. Although the gangsters can get hold of the prescriptions, Largo, seriously injured, manages to escape.

When Largo asks Freddy to pick him up, Largo obviously cheats too, contacts Marcus and reports to him. Marcus then brings him to the mastermind of the conspiracy: Ferguson. She tries with all means to discredit Largo in order to take over the management of the group herself. Ferguson is the client for both Marcus and the agent Naomi, who spied on him as Korsky's friend. And she had also made Largo's acquaintance: As "Lea" she started an affair with him in Brazil and cheered him on the drugs. With the help of another as yet unknown person, Ferguson wants to seize power at the upcoming shareholders' meeting.

After recovering, Largo meets with Korsky, who takes him back to Hong Kong. As it turns out, Freddy's meeting with Ferguson was just a ruse to find out about the conspirators. Largo then made a deal with Korsky when he found out about Ferguson's fraud against him and supported him thereupon. Through Korsky's connections, Largo manages to get past Marcus and his men who are trying to prevent him from reaching the congregation unnoticed. Naomi stands in his way for a moment, but finally lets him go. Largo manages to leave Marcus behind on a chase and get into the Winch headquarters.

Here he meets Ferguson's secret person in the penthouse: his stepbrother Goran. He tells him that he is not Josip and Hannah's child at all, but, like him, an orphan bought by Nerio. According to Ferguson, this gives him the same rights as Largo. Goran, however, resigns when he learns from Largo that Ferguson's henchmen killed Hannah, who both loved them like their own sons. When Marcus finally arrives, Goran sacrifices himself and is shot by the security chief after a scuffle. Largo and Marcus, who also turns out to be Nero's murderer, fight on the roof, where Marcus ultimately finds death.

With the help of a conversation with Ferguson recorded by Freddy, she is finally convicted of the murder of Nerio in front of the shareholders and arrested. Largo then takes over the management of the company - thereby accepting his name and his legacy.


In the Internet Movie Database , 12,383 users rated the film with an average of 6.5 out of 10 points.

The lexicon of international films wrote that the film was "[o] pulent budgeted [...]" and that it was "photographed in a visually extravagant manner [...]". It is about "a fast-paced staging that is sparkling with ideas".

Björn Becher said at the start of the film that the film was “although the basic constellation is a mainstream adventure for the masses, it is far superior to most of the 08/15 summer blockbusters in terms of staging” and the “small problems with the plot [are] forgiven “And awarded 3.5 out of 5 stars.


  • 2009: Étoile d'Or to Tomer Sisley for Best Young Actor
  • 2009: World Soundtrack Award to Alexandre Desplat
  • 2012: Nomination for the best foreign film for the Saturn Award


  • Various minor changes were made between the original comic and the film, which is based on the first two novels:
    • the Winch headquarters is originally located in New York instead of in Hong Kong as in the film
    • Largo is raised in Liechtenstein differently than in the film (in Croatia) (there is, however, a reference to the Alpine state in the film)
    • what is happening in Brazil, see the comic Turkey instead
  • Leading actor Tomer Sisley does not optically correspond to the Largo Winch of the comic book, but according to Jean Van Hamme more to the Largo of the book. Sisley performed many film stunts himself and also learned Serbian for the filming.
  • As a holder of bonds, you are only a lender (i.e. a creditor) of a company, you have no shares in the equity and can therefore not be the (majority) owner.


On February 16, 2011, the sequel Largo Winch II - The Burma Conspiracy appeared (first in Belgium) . At the side of Tomer Sisley, Sharon Stone and Ulrich Tukur , among others, are involved. In Germany, the film did not go into cinemas and was only released on DVD.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate of Release for Largo Winch - Deadly Legacy . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , August 2009 (PDF; test number: 119 164 V).
  2. Largo Winch - Tödliches Erbe , accessed on October 29, 2018
  3. Largo Winch - Deadly Legacy. In: Lexicon of International Films . Film service , accessed July 12, 2012 .Template: LdiF / Maintenance / Access used 
  4. Largo Winch - Tödliches Erbe , accessed on October 1, 2017