World Council for Psychotherapy

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The World Council for Psychotherapy (World Association for Psychotherapy; WCP ) was founded in 1995 , is based in Vienna and every three years organizes a world congress with more than a thousand participants. The most important goals of the association are to promote psychotherapy on all continents (based on the Strasbourg Declaration on Psychotherapy of 1990), to improve the conditions of patients, to cooperate with national and international organizations on crisis management and peacekeeping and to standardize training standards worldwide . Members are both psychotherapists and organizations. President is Alfred Pritz .

The World Certificate for Psychotherapy is only awarded to psychotherapists with recognized training and is intended to promote mobility within the professional group. The International Sigmund Freud Prize for Psychotherapy is awarded every year together with the City of Vienna .

World Congress of Psychotherapy

  • 1996 Vienna
  • 1999 Vienna
  • 2002 Vienna


  • Alfred Pritz (Ed.): Globalized Psychotherapy . Universitätsverlag, Vienna 2002, ISBN 3-85076-605-5 .
  • Ganesh Shankar: Psychotherapy. Yoga and traditional Therapies of East and West . Jagdama Publ., New Delhi 2004, ISBN 81-887-8009-X .

Web links

Individual evidence

  5. ^ 8th World Congress for Psychotherapy. In: Fédération française de Psychothérapie et Psychanalyse (FF2P), accessed on August 19, 2017 (English).