Worms newspaper

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Worms newspaper
description German daily newspaper
publishing company VRM GmbH & Co. KG
First edition 1776
Frequency of publication daily Monday to Saturday
Sold edition 12,824 copies
( IVW 2/2020, Mon-Sat)
Editor-in-chief Friedrich Roeingh
editor VRM GmbH & Co. KG
Web link wormser-zeitung.de

The Wormser Zeitung is the oldest daily newspaper in Rhineland-Palatinate . She appears in the city of Worms . Like the Allgemeine Zeitung or the Wiesbadener Kurier , it is published by VRM GmbH & Co. KG .


The first newspaper, published in Worms in 1776 by the publisher Heinrich Valentin Bender, did not find enough advertisers and readers at the beginning. For this reason, the newspaper seemed to be on the brink of failure after a year. The owner of the printing company "OW Kranzbühler Wwe.", Maria Elisabeth Kranzbühler, took over the ailing newspaper and managed to help the young weekly newspaper to flourish with a new title "Reichsstadt Wormsisches Intellektiven- und Zeitungs-Manual". Since 1814 the oldest newspaper in Rhineland-Palatinate has had the well-known title "Wormser Zeitung". In 1866 the Wormser Zeitung became a daily newspaper and was at times even published twice a day.

The newspaper went through difficult times during the Second World War . Like many other newspapers, it was brought into line. When a bomb hit the publishing house in Worms in 1943, production was stopped until the end of the war in 1945. Due to the damage to the print shop, it was not possible to resume newspaper production in Worms in the first few years after the end of the war, for technical reasons. As a result of a cooperation with the Allgemeine Zeitung Mainz , the newspaper appeared in Worms from 1947 under the title "Allgemeine Zeitung - Edition Worms - Neuer Mainzer Anzeiger". It has only been back to its original title since June 1956.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. including e-paper
  2. Anna Martin: Maria Elisabeth Kranzbühler, a newspaper editor in the 18th century , in Emmy Wolff Hg., Women Generations in Pictures. Herbig, Berlin 1928, pp. 23–28, with 1 ill. Of the title page "Wormsisches Zeitungs- und Intellektiven-Manual" from 1788. The publisher named MEK, "surviving Wittib and heirs."
  3. Wolfgang Hasch: "From the 'Intellektivenblatt' to the WZ", in: Wormser Zeitung. Anniversary supplement for the 225th anniversary, January 10, 2001, p. 6f.