Worshipful Company of Curriers

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Guild coat of arms of the Curriers' Co.

The Worshipful Company of Curriers (also short: Curriers' Company ) is the livery company of the tanners and leather cutters of the City of London . The association, similar to a guild , has existed since 1272.

On April 30, 1606, it received a royal statute and thus official status from King James I.

It ranks 29th in the ranking of the London Livery Companies. With the decline in the craft professions it represents, the Curriers' Company is now increasingly devoting itself to charitable tasks.

Her motto is Spes Nostra Deus (something like "Our hope lies in God").

The Company is committed to the civic life of the City of London and supports the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs of London. Acting guild master ( Master Currier ) 2015/16 is James Allen.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Edward Mayer, Donald Adamson : The Curriers' Company: A Modern History . Worshipful Company of Curriers, 2000, ISBN 0-9500338-1-2 .
  2. Privy Council Office : www.privycouncil.gov.uk.
  3. www.cityoflondon.gov.uk: Deputy Alex Deane CC
  4. www.liverycompanies.info

Web links

Commons : Worshipful Company of Curriers  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files