Woskressenije 2

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Woskressenije 2
Studio album by Woskressenije


1981 (first published)

Label (s) Magnitisdat

Format (s)

Magneto album (tape)

Genre (s)

Rock , blues rock , folk rock

Title (number)


running time

41 min 35 s



Alexander Artunov

Studio (s)

Moscow State Institute for International Relations

Woskressenije 1
Woskressenije 2 Wsjo snachala

Woskressenije 2 is the second album by the Soviet rock group Woskressenije . The album was recorded in 1981, but despite its widespread use in the USSR, it was not commercially available until 1991. Due to the political circumstances, the album initially only appeared in Magnitisdat . The history of its creation reflects the difficult situation of the Soviet rock musicians at that time. The album, like its predecessor, had a major impact on the development of Soviet rock music. Some of the songs released on the album became hits and are still very popular today. The album is sometimes referred to as "Woskressenije / 1981" after the year of recording or just as "Woskressenije".


Recorded in 1981

Alexei Romanov, 2009
Andrei Sapunov, 2009
Konstantin Nikolski, 2015

The group "Woskressenije" recorded their first album in 1979. The album was not released as a record , but was published in Magnitisdat and redistributed by copying. Aided by the fact that it was broadcast by the World Moscow Radio Service ( Russian: Всемирной службы Московского радио ) before and during the 1980 Olympics , it quickly gained great popularity among Soviet youth. The newly founded group could hardly take advantage of this success, as there was a lack of instruments, equipment, a rehearsal room and performance opportunities. The founder of the group, Alexei Romanov, tried to achieve a status similar to that of the vocal and instrumental ensembles by registering with the Moscow Philharmonic , but was unsuccessful. Due to the problems there were a number of changes in line-up until 1981. In 1981, apart from Romanov, only Andrei Sapunov remained from the original line-up. They were supplemented by Konstantin Nikolski, who came from the Zwety group , and Mikhail Schewjakow. This line-up was to remain stable for almost two years, but the rivalry between Romanov and Nikolski, who both claimed leadership of the group, harbored enormous potential for conflict.

The recordings took place from June 7th to 10th in the basement of the Admissions Committee building of the Moscow State Institute for International Relations at Nikoloschtschepowski Pereulok No. 2 in Moscow. Alexander Artjunow, who had been responsible for the additional recordings for the album "Woskressenije 1" as early as 1980, acted as sound director . The album was mixed on site. Some titles, “ Kto winowat? "And" Ja priwyk brodit odin ... ", were already on the first album and were re-recorded. A total of nine titles were recorded, including compositions by Nikolski. Although he was also represented as an author on the first album, he had not given a promise for publication.

Cover design

Mikhail Shevyakov also drew the cover , a caricature showing the members of the group with their instruments.


The album was published as a so-called Magnito album on magnetic tape , privately copied and passed on. For technical reasons, however, Artjunow had to edit the tape again before it was published.

When Romanov was arrested in 1983, the master tape and the master tape from the previous album were confiscated. Artjunov managed to save the recordings.

«Когда я увольнялся с телевидения, на мне числилось определённое количество плёнки, которую количество плёнки, которую количество плёнки. Взяв на работе соответствующую бумагу о своих плёночных долгах, я поехал в управление внутренлие. Они вернули мне оригиналы, сопроводив этот акт документом о выдаче пленок. После чего я рванул на такси домой, намотал на основание катушки необходимое количество ненужной пленки и вернул "долг» на телевидение. Таким обманом мне удалось сохранить оригиналы. »

“When I left my job watching TV, I had to return the tapes I had in my possession. With the relevant papers from my job, I drove to the internal affairs administration . They returned the confiscated tapes to me. I immediately took a taxi home and wound unneeded tape on the reels. I then gave it back to the sender. So I managed to save the recordings. "

- Alexander Artunov

Published in 1991

In 1991 the label "Feelee Records" released the recordings as a stereo double album . This is pseudostereophony , as the master tapes were only available in mono.

Released in 1992

Moscow Palace of Culture "SP Gorbunow"

The following year, again by “Feelee Records”, the recordings were released as a double CD in mono. The recordings were produced by Sony DADC in Austria . Three tracks were added that had already been recorded for the first album in 1979.

The album was presented in Moscow's “Gorbunow” Palace of Culture, which was considered the Mecca of Soviet rock music, and was broadcast on “Programma A” on Russian television. The group performed in the cast in which the album was recorded. The concert was sold out.

The re-release was very successful, the album was able to leave both “Wsjo, tschto ty chotschesch !!!” by “Technologi” and “Orden satany” by Korrosija Metalla behind in the August charts .

Published in 1994

In 1994 the album was finally released on compact cassette by Vincent Company Records . This version also contains an interview by the broadcaster “Radio Rossii” with the group and Artjunov about the creation and rescue of the recordings.

Dissemination and reception

Like its predecessor, the album quickly spread among Soviet youth. According to the music journalist and writer Artyom Lipatov, Voskressenije achieved this enormous popularity because Romanov and Nikolsky were much closer to the real poetry of the country, where words were more important than reality, than anyone before them was in Russian rock music . Until then, Maschina Wremeni ruled with an unshakable belief in a change for the better. The door to a complicated world full of doubts, in which there is not always room for the victory of the good, on the contrary, where not everyone is friend or foe, was only opened for Russian rock by “Voskressenije”.

Cover versions

The tracks on the album were covered by various Russian artists.

Already in 1981 "Araks" - the group in which the former members Sergei Kawagoe and Evgeni Margulis played - took the tracks "Son (Snilos mnje)" from the previous album, "Odin wsgljad nasad" and "Kogda poimjesch ymom ..." in it Program on. The recordings are also included on the album "Konzert 1981".

The band “Brigada S” covered the tile “Po doroge rasotscharowani” in 1992 on their album “Bsje eto Rock'n'Roll”. "Snilos mnje" was covered in 2004 by Lolita Miljawskaja .

Track list

Recorded in 1981

No. song author transcription translation length
01 Воскресенье Nikolsky Woskressenje Sunday 6:48
02 Один взгляд назад Nikolsky Odin vzgljad nasad A look back 3:49
03 В жизни, как в тёмной чаще Romanov V schisni, kak v tjomnoi tashche In life as in the dark thicket 3:48
04th По дороге разочарований Romanov Po doroge rasocharowani On the way to disappointment 5:20
05 Мчится поезд Romanov Mtschitsja pojesd Rushing train 3:11
06th В моей душе осадок зла Nikolsky W mojei shower ossadok sla Evil precipitates in my soul 4:40
07th Кто виноват? Romanov Kto wonowat? Who's to blame? 4:16
08th Я привык бродить один Romanov Yes priwyk brodit odin I am used to hiking alone 6:02
09 Я ни разу за морем не был Romanov Yes ni rasu sa morem ne byl I've never been overseas 3:19

Edition 1992

No. song author transcription translation length
010 Музыкант Nikolsky Musykant musician 5:54
011 Ночная птица Nikolsky Notschnaja ptitsa Night bird 4:20
012 Когда поймешь умом Nikolsky Kogda poimesch umom If you understand the mind 3.54

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Website of the group "Voskressenije" (Russian)
  2. Александр Кушнир: 100 магнитоальбомов советского рока 2014 (Russian)
  3. Recording of the concert . In: YouTube .
  4. «Воскресенье» (1992) - первый релиз Feelee (Russian)
  5. «Воскресенье. 1981 » (Russian)