Woskressenije 1

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Woskressenije 1
Studio album by Woskressenije


1979 (first published)

Label (s) Magnitisdat

Format (s)

Magneto album (tape)

Genre (s)

Rock , blues rock

Title (number)


running time

52 min 21 s


Other musicians:


Alexander Kutikov

Studio (s)

Moscow State Theater Institute

- Woskressenije 1 Woskressenije 2
Such a packaging for an ORWO magnetic tape served as the cover of the 2002 re-edition

Woskressenije 1 is the first album by the Soviet rock group Woskressenije . The album was recorded in 1979/1980, but despite its widespread use in the USSR, it was only commercially available after fourteen years. Due to the political circumstances, the album was initially only released in Magnitisdat , with different versions circulating. The 2002 re-release alludes to this; Basis of the covers is the packaging of a ORWO - magnetic tape . Overall, the history of its origins reflects the difficult situation of the Soviet rock musicians at that time. The album had a huge impact on the development of Soviet rock music. Some of the songs released on the album became hits and are still very popular today.


Recordings 1979

Alexei Romanov, 2009
Andrei Sapunov, 2009
Yevgeny Margulis, 2014
Alexei Makarevich, 1997
Pyotr Podgoretzki, 2012
Alexander Kutikov, 2011
Moscow State Theater Institute

After first Sergei Kawagoe and then Evgeni Margulis separated from Maschina Wremeni in 1979 , they decided to set up a new band together with Alexei Romanow. Since there was a lack of instruments and equipment, as well as a rehearsal room, the trio initially only rehearsed with an acoustic guitar . Within a short time ten songs were selected for recordings, including some that Romanov had written during his time with "Maschina Wremeni" in 1974/75. Romanov's intention was to introduce the group to the album in order to increase audience numbers at the concerts. The income from live concerts was the only source of income for Soviet rock groups at the time. Romanov's idea was to pass the finished recordings on to the foreign service of the Soviet radio through an acquaintance , which would then broadcast them. Since the station could also be heard on medium wave in Moscow and the surrounding area, this would increase the awareness of the new groups. Opportunities for advertising - other than whispering propaganda - were not available to Soviet rock groups.

The recordings took place in July in the studio of the Theater Institute in Moscow, where Alexander Kutikov worked as a sound director . Kutikow had organized a tape reverb , a flanger and a big muff for the recordings . Romanow is striving for a "commercial quality" of the album in his own words. They mainly recorded at night in order to be able to work undisturbed, since the entrance exams were taking place at the theater institute. The recordings were made on a 2-track tape recorder . The musicians had to borrow some of the instruments from friends. Since the quality of the electronic reverb device was unsatisfactory, some of the songs were recorded in the stairwell of the institute in order to achieve the desired effect.

The trio was strengthened by the lead guitarist Alexei Makarewitsch - cousin of the front man of "Maschina Wremeni", Andrei Makarewitsch , and the rhythm guitarist Andrei Sapunow, with whom Romanow had played together on "Kuznetsky Most". The ten songs were recorded within two weeks. The most problematic turned out to be "Ja tosche byl", the simplest surprisingly "Sneschnaja Baba". On the last day of the session, Sapunow recorded six more compositions by Konstantin Nikolski with the support of Margulis and Kawagoe . After Nikolski had heard the recordings, he did not agree to their publication, but the album also came into circulation with 16 recordings, including Nikolski's compositions.

Recordings 1980

In June 1980 the group re-recorded some pieces for the diploma thesis of a director friend , this time in the studio of the Gerasimow Institute for Cinematography . This time the sound engineer was Alexander Artjunow . “Leto”, “Tak bywajet”, “Son”, “Gorodok” and “Choroschi paren” were recorded; “Tak bywaet” was part of the 1979 recordings. The group also recorded a piece entitled “Newertje slowam”. The vocal recordings for this piece were not completed, so it remained an instrumental version . The recording was thought to be lost for a long time, but was rediscovered in 2013.

Released in 1993

The album was digitally remastered in 1993 and released on 2 CDs . The recordings from 1979 and 1980, including Nikolski's compositions, were used. The album was now released under the name "Kto winowat?"

New edition 2002

In 2002 the label "Soyuz" released a new edition of the album. The recordings from 1979 and 1980 were used for this purpose, but without Nikolski's compositions. The song “W schisni kak tjomnoi Tschaschtsche” is also missing, and the order of the pieces has been changed. The album was now released under the name "79".

Music genre

As the first album of the then still young band, “Wosskressenije 1” shows a great variety of styles. "Ja priwyk brodit odin ..." and "Tak bywajet" are ballads , "Sneschnaja baba" a rock'n'roll number and "Drusjam" a big beat number. "Swjosdy" on the other hand is a rhythm and blues , while "W schisni, kak w tjomnoi Tschaschtsche" is one of the first funk recordings from the Soviet Union. Yevgeny Margulis was one of the first Soviet rock musicians to deal with this type of music.

"Женька [Маргулис] тогда был с усами и напоминал грузинского милиционера, он прочно завис на чёрной музыке и был убеждённым" негром преклонных годов »: фанк, джаз-рок, Earth, Wind & Fire. Позже он смастерил себе безладовый бас и от зари до зари рубил на нём funky music »

"Zhenya (Margulis) saw with his beard like a of Georgian Millizionär , he often hung out with black music and felt as" Negro at an advanced age ": funk, jazz-rock and Earth, Wind & Fire . Later he built a fretless bass and hacked funky music on it. "

- Alexei Romanov

For the recording of "W schisni, kak w tjomnoi tschaschtsche" is rumored that Margulis've had to improve his mood vodka and fell asleep over it. When he was woken up after two hours, he said, "I had disturbing dreams", went to the microphone and began to improvise. The recording was not repeated, but used directly for the album.

Cover design

The recordings 1079 and 1980 were only published on magnetic tape and privately copied. Initially, the band didn't worry about the design of the cover or a tracklist .

A stylized flame serves as a background for the cover of the 1993 issue. The cover is labeled "Kto winowat?", "Woskressenije 79-80" and "Digital Remastered".

For the cover of the new edition in 2002, allusion was made to the distribution of the original album. The basis of the cover is the packaging of an ORWO magnetic tape from the 1980s. On the cover there are black and white portrait photos of the musicians and the words “Woskressenije 79”. A sticker of the label was added, the sticker of the magnetic tape packaging was retained.

Video clip

“Woskressenije” was given the opportunity to produce a video clip in June 1980, which was quite unusual for a Soviet rock group. The video shows Kawagoe, Margulis, Romanow and Makarewitsch, Sapunov is missing in the recordings.

Dissemination and reception

The finished recordings were given to Dmitry Linnik, a friend of the musicians who worked for the state radio . The song was first broadcast by the World Moscow Radio Service ( Russian Всемирной службы Московского радио ), which wanted to convey a positive image of the Soviet Union on the eve of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow . The musicians themselves traveled to Pizunda on their summer vacation . Upon their return, they were surprised by the notoriety the album had since reached, but they were still not prepared to perform live. Romanov had expected the album to be a success, but did not expect it to happen anytime soon. The group was unable to give a single concert.

Margulis left the band in September and did not return until January 1980, only to leave in April of that year, this time with Makarevich and Kawagoe. Sergei Kusminok, Anik Mikojan and Pawel Smejan came with Margulis in April and stayed until September 1980. In their place, Mikhail Shevyakov joined the band on drums. With him came Konstantin Nikolski from "Zwety". Romanow, Sapunow, Nikolski and Schewjakow then formed the successful line-up of "Woskressenije", which remained constant until the band split up in 1982.

Under the circumstances at the time, it was out of the question of the state record company Melodija to publish it on a phonogram . The album was therefore released as a so-called "magneto album". That meant that the magnetic tapes would be copied and passed on. Home tape recorders were widespread in the Soviet Union in the late 1970s / early 1980s. Of course, the group could not generate any income from this type of distribution.

The album was distributed with ten recordings as well as 16 recordings, including those not authorized by Nikolski. In the 1980 edition, the original recordings were supplemented by the five new pieces.

The 1993 edition appeared under various labels, partly also unofficially, as a record, CD and compact cassette , the re- edition in 2002 by “Soyuz” as a record, CD and compact cassette as well.

Cover versions


The Russian women's rock band "Lizei" covered three pieces from the album on their album "Domaschni arest" in 1992: "Son", "Leto (Stat samim soboj)" and "Choroschi paren".

Track list

Recorded in 1979

No. song author transcription translation length
01 Мои песни Romanov Moi pesni My songs 2:27
02 Так бывает Romanov / Kawagoe Tak bywajet It happens 3:01
03 Друзьям Romanov / Makarewitsch Drusjam To friends 3:37
04th Случилось что-то в городе моём Romanov Slutschilos chto-to v gorode moyom Something happened in my city 4:11
05 Снежная баба Romanov Snezhnaya baba Snow woman 3:10
06th Я тоже был Romanov Yes tosche byl I was too 4:35
07th Я привык бродить один ... Romanov Yes priwyk brodit odin ... I'm used to hiking alone ... 5:46
08th Кто виноват? Romanov Kto winowat? Who's to blame? 3:45
09 Звёзды Romanov / Margilus Swjosdy Stars 3:30
010 В жизни, как в тёмной чаще Romanov V schisni, kak v tjomnoi tashche In life as in the dark thicket 5:51
011 Музыкант Nikolsky Musykant musician 5:54
012 Зеркало мира Nikolsky Serkalo mira Mirror of the world 3:27
013 Поиграй со мной, гроза Nikolsky Poigrai so mnoi, grosa Play with me, thunderstorm 3:23
014th Я сам из тех ... Nikolsky Yes sam is tech ... I myself am one of those ... 4:34
015th Ночная птица Nikolsky Notschnaja ptitsa Night bird 4:20
016 Когда поймешь умом Nikolsky Kogda poimesch umom If you understand the mind 3.54

Photo taken in 1980

No. song author transcription translation length
017th Лето (Стать самим собой) Romanov Leto (Stat samim soboj) Summer (become yourself) 3:09
018th Так бывает Romanov / Kawagoe Tak bywajet It happens 3:11
019th Сон Romanov Sun sleep 4:35
020th Городок Romanov Gorodok Town 4:32
020th Хороший парень Romanov / Margulis Choroshi paren Good boy 3:12

Edition 1993

page 1
No. song author transcription translation length
01-1 Мои песни Romanov Moi pesni My songs 2:27
01-2 Так бывает Romanov / Kawagoe Tak bywajet It happens 3:01
01-3 Друзьям Romanov / Makarewitsch Drusjam To friends 3:37
01-4 Случилось что-то в городе моём Romanov Slutschilos chto-to v gorode moyom Something happened in my city 4:11
01-5 Снежная баба Romanov Snezhnaya baba Snow woman 3:10
01-6 Я тоже был Romanov Yes tosche byl I was too 4:35
01-7 Я привык бродить один ... Romanov Yes priwyk brodit odin ... I'm used to hiking alone ... 5:46
01-8 Кто виноват? Romanov Kto winowat? Who's to blame? 3:45
01-9 Звёзды Romanov / Margilus Swjosdy Stars 3:30
01-10 В жизни, как в тёмной чаще Romanov V schisni, kak v tjomnoi tashche In life as in the dark thicket 5:51
Page 2
No. song author transcription translation length
02-1 Музыкант Nikolsky Musykant musician 5:54
02-2 Зеркало мира Nikolsky Serkalo mira Mirror of the world 3:27
02-3 Поиграй со мной, гроза Nikolsky Poigrai so mnoi, grosa Play with me, thunderstorm 3:23
02-5 Я сам из тех ... Nikolsky Yes sam is tech ... I myself am one of those ... 4:34
02-5 Ночная птица Nikolsky Notschnaja ptitsa Night bird 4:20
02-6 Когда поймешь умом Nikolsky Kogda poimesch umom If you understand the mind 3.54
02-7 Лето (Стать самим собой) Romanov Leto (Stat samim soboj) Summer (become yourself) 3:09
02-8 Так бывает Romanov / Kawagoe Tak bywajet It happens 3:11
02-9 Сон Romanov Sun sleep 4:35
02-10 Городок Romanov Gorodok Town 4:32
02-11 Хороший парень Romanov / Margulis Choroshi paren Good boy 3:12

Edition 2002

No. song author transcription translation length
01 Мои песни Romanov Moi pesni My songs 2:27
02 Друзьям Romanov / Makarewitsch Drusjam To friends 3:37
03 Случилось что-то в городе моём Romanov Slutschilos chto-to v gorode moyom Something happened in my city 4:11
04th Так бывает (1 вариант) Romanov / Kawagoe Tak bywajet (1 wariant) It happens (1st version) 3:01
05 Я привык бродить один ... Romanov Yes priwyk brodit odin ... I'm used to hiking alone ... 5:46
06th Звёзды Romanov / Margilus Swjosdy Stars 3:30
07th Лето Romanov Leto summer 3:09
08th Снежная баба Romanov Snezhnaya baba Snow woman 3:10
09 Я тоже был Romanov Yes tosche byl I was too 4:35
010 Хороший парень Romanov / Margulis Choroshi paren Good boy 3:12
011 Сон Romanov Sun sleep 4:35
012 Городок Romanov Gorodok Town 4:32
013 Кто виноват? Romanov Kto winowat? Who's to blame? 3:45
014th Так бывает (2 вариант) Romanov / Kawagoe Tak bywajet (2 wariant) It happens (2nd version) 3:11

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Website of the group "Woskressenije" (Russian)
  2. a b c d e f g Александр Кушнир: 100 магнитоальбомов советского рока 2014 (Russian)
  3. Воскресение - Стань самим собой (Лето) Woskressenije: Stan samym coboy - recording from June 1980 . In: YouTube .