Miracle of life force

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Original title Miracle of life force
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2015
length 91 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Stephan Petrovich
script Stephan Petrovich
production Stephan Petrovich
camera Stephan Petrovich

Miracle of life force (alternative title: Miracle of life force - A journey to the healing of the soul , English title: Miracle of life-force ) is a documentary produced by Stephan Petrowitsch from 2015 . The premiere was on April 11, 2015 as part of the “Cosmic Cine Festival”, where it won the “Cosmic Cine Audience Award”. At the Indian "Dada Saheb Phalke Film Festival" 2016 he received a "special mention".


The film examines the increase in life force (which is often also referred to as life energy) that z. B. in India in its dynamic state Kundalini power and in China Qi is called by different people from different regions of the world. The film mentions, among other things, a more robust health through increased self-healing powers, a deeper and more differentiated perception of feelings up to more self-confidence and greater professional success as effects of increased vitality.

In the film, Stephan Petrowitsch interviews and observes some healers, gurus and spiritual teachers who are able to trigger visible physical phenomena in their students and seminar participants by increasing their vitality. This is supplemented by testimonials from people who either have their own experience with the activation of Kundalini power, or have a sound knowledge of Kundalini power and life force.

The core message of the film is that - in contrast to many spiritual and esoteric teachings that assume many years or decades of spiritual practices - it is possible to experience a significant increase in life force in a very short time. This can be achieved on the one hand by people with a very high level of life force ("Chi masters") allowing their excessive Chi-forces to act on other people, by being a "real" Guru with the help of Shaktipath (Indian for the transmission of power from the guru to the disciple) his powers are increased, or by first purifying the human soul according to Christian teaching. The superhuman abilities (clairvoyance) called in the Indian “Siddhis” should be increased significantly by activating the Kundalini power.

According to the film, many of the visible phenomena of increasing life force are similar to the asanas of Hatha Yoga . The contents of the film cannot be scientifically proven, as the life force described has not yet been proven with any scientifically recognized method.

The protagonists of the film and their essential contribution to the content of the film are as follows:

  • Dr. med. Folker Meißner, a holistic German orthodox physician, introduces the film with the core statement that orthodox medicine has forgotten about the connection to the top and "thinks around the vital force." This is also visible in the symbol of the Aesculapian staff - the staff with a snake not only lacks the second snake in comparison with the staff of the messenger of the gods Hermes, but also the vibration that symbolizes the mentioned connection.
  • The ex-Shaolin lay monk Dr. Leung Yan Kwai from China, also known under the name Shi de Lon, brings about healing of the body, mind and psyche of his students and seminar participants through his extreme Chi forces, which he has built up through decades of intensive training.
  • Dr. Vagish Shastri, Vagyoga teacher from Varanasi / India teaches a careful path to awaken Kundalini. Kundalini power is viewed with great respect in India as activation too early can cause serious problems for those affected.
  • The now deceased Guru Ram Lal Siyag from Jodhpur / India taught awakening of Kundalini through meditation and repetitions of a mantra. According to him, Kundalini first cleanses and heals the body before it leads the person into deep meditation and finally enlightens.
  • Neelakanda Rishi from Teni in Tamil Nadu / India has achieved an awakening of his Kundalini power without external teachers through intensive spiritual practices over a period of 14 years. He describes his experience as extremely intense and warns against reckless use of this force.
  • The founder of the BodyTalk method, Dr. John Veltheim from Australia, increasingly encounter people with Kundalini problems. It describes four levels of life or Kundalini power. In the first stage the life force enables the normal functioning of the human body, in the second stage it can - e.g. B. in the context of natural therapy methods - support the body in healing, which is sometimes visible through optical phenomena such as tremors or vibrations of the body or parts of the body. In the third stage the force becomes dynamic and thus Kundalini force. If this stage is reached too early, then Dr. Veltheim used this "pathological Kundalini", which according to his statements can lead to neurological problems. The fourth stage is what spiritual seekers seek. Here the power causes a purification and change process that also leads to higher levels of consciousness.
  • Sundar Prins is a Dutchman with a very unusual life story. Leaving his parents' home early was followed by a life on the edge of legality and an early car accident in which his wife died on the scene and he just survived. He was resuscitated several times and would spend his life paralyzed from the shoulders down in a wheelchair. An experience of unity, combined with the activation of his Kundalini power, healed him. Today he not only walks, but also works as a yoga teacher.
  • Subrahmonyan is a Taoist sage whom Petrovich meets in Tiruvannamalai / India in the ashram of Ramana Maharshi. He explains the essence of yoga in order to define the term often mentioned in the film up to this point.
  • Swami Vishwananda from Mauritia, who lives in Springen / Germany, does not teach a way of quick Kundalini awakening, but a typical Indian devotional way, the ingredients of which after a reasonable time automatically awaken the Kundalini power, which he also calls "divine" Mother "denotes, leads.
  • Laurens Storms from Arnhem / Holland works as a Kundalini Yoga teacher who, unlike many Kundalini Yoga teachers, has his own Kundalini experience. It separates the experience of Kundalini awakening into the energetic part, which is connected with intense heat perception in the body. The consciousness aspect offers insights and insights and intense consciousness experiences - some would say: mystical experiences. So the Kundalini awakening should also be a beautiful, sacred process.
  • The Kundalini expert Armin Mattich from Hockenheim / Germany describes the Christian way to awaken the Kundalini power. The first thing is to purify the soul so that the mystical fire is awakened in it. To do this, he leads his clients into a religious trance in which numerous very intense physical phenomena become visible. Forgiveness on a spiritual level suddenly creates more light in the soul, which is noticeable as a sudden and lasting increase in personality. The mystical fire purifies the soul further until it decides to awaken the Kundalini power in the personality. The personality-centered work of many techniques in the Far East is the reason for the problems mentioned earlier in the film, which can be avoided by purifying the human soul to such an extent that an increased awareness of one's own soul is painless for the person concerned .
  • Emaho Montoya from Albuquerque / USA works with a candle with 7 wicks in order to transmit the power of fire directly to his students and seminar participants. This can also bring about an activation of the Kundalini power, the participants report of an increased clarity in life. He often reaches into the flame for a long time, which seems to prove one aspect of the effect of greatly increased vitality, the temporary physical invulnerability.
  • St. Padre Pio, the greatest Italian saint, serves as an example of another phenomenon of greatly increased vitality: it kills pathogens. The almost complete intactness of his body, even more than 50 years after his death, seems to prove that this continues to work even after a person dies.
  • Fratel Cosimo from the village of Santa Domenica di Planica / Italy has the same gifts from God as Padre Pio. Saint Mary appeared to him, too, herding sheep, and he complied with her request to live a life in the service of God. Specifically, this means u. a. that he prays often and intensely for people. Some experience grace through prayer, and the grace granted inevitably results in a leap in life force.
  • Saidou Bikienga from Nagreongo / Burkina Faso is an African healer who often causes spontaneous healing. These can be seen in people who cannot walk, in mute people, deaf people, and couples who have been unable to father children. He also casts out dumb and deaf spirits (in the Bible in Mark 5: 2 as "unclean spirit" or in the Acts of the Apostles of Luke, Chapter 19 as "evil spirit"), which gives people back part of their freedom and vitality .
  • Maya Storms from Arnhem / Holland, who died in 2017, worked many miracles through simple prayers. It worked almost exclusively on a spiritual level, which none of the optical phenomena shown in the film produce. At the same time, the changes in the life of those who spoke to them were often fundamental. For them, God is power itself.

Stephan Petrowitsch also published the book of the same name, “Miracles of Life”, in which he explains, among other things, his path from bank clerk and computer scientist (FH) to director, explains the development of the film and takes up and answers typical questions from the audience.


The film critics rated the film mainly in the middle range. The audience was impressed, according to the film's website.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Release certificate for miracles of life force . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , April 2015 (PDF; test number: 151 187 K).
  2. Miracles of Life Force - A Journey to Healing the Soul | filmportal.de. Retrieved July 2, 2019 .