Wyżyna Wołyńsko-Podolska

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The Wyżyna Wołyńsko-Podolska (851) ( German Wolhynisch-Podolische Platte ; Ukrainian Волино-Подільська височина Wołyńsko-Podilśka wysoczyna ) is a geomorphological region in a historical area of Poland outside of today's state association. Today the region belongs to Ukraine , it does not correspond to the Podolian plate .

Incision of the Dniester in the Podolian plate
Polish-Ukrainian border landscape on the Bug

Geomorphological classification

The region stretches from the east of the Lublin Voivodeship across western Ukraine to the Dniester in the south. It is part of the superordinate geomorphological region of the Wyżyny Ukraińskie (Ukrainian Plate) (85), which in turn belongs to the large landscape or mega-region of the Eastern European level (Nizina Wschodnioeuropejska, 8).

8 Nizina Wschodnioeuropejska (Eastern European level)

85 Wyżyny Ukraińskie (Ukrainian platter)
851 Wyżyna Wołyńsko-Podolska ( Volhyn -Podolian Plate)

The region of the Volhyn-Podolian Plate (815) is divided into the following two macro-regions (815.1–2), which in turn are subdivided into meso-regions:

851.1 Wyżyna Wołyńska (Wolhynian Plate)
851.11 Grzęda Horodelska
851.12 Kotlina Hrubieszowska
851.13 Grzęda Sokalska
851.2 Kotlina Pobuża (Podbuż Basin)
851.21 Równina Bełska


Wyżyna Wołyńsko-Podolska is a highland or sloping slab covered with a thick layer of loess . The highest point is the Kamula (ukr. Камула; Polish. Kamuła) of the Holohory-Kremenez mountain ridge (Gołogóry) with 471 meters npm . The mountain is the highest point of Podolia and at the same time the highest point between the Carpathian Mountains and the Urals . It is covered with beech forest. The rivers cut deep valleys into the landscape. The natural steppe vegetation has been preserved on its steep slopes .

The largest city of the territory is located in the northwestern foothills of the Highlands Lviv (Lemberg) . Other important cities in the region are Ternopil and Vinnytsia .


  • Jerzy Kondracki : Geografia regionalna Polski. Wyd. Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2001. ISBN 83-01-13050-4 .
  • Jerzy Kondracki: W sprawie fizycznogeograficznego podziału Europy w klasyfikacji dziesiętnej. In. Przegląd Geograficzny. Tom. XXXVII, z.3, 1965. Col. 539-547


  1. The decimal classification number in brackets.