Shalu school

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Tibetan name
Wylie transliteration :
zha lu pa
Chinese name
Simplified :
夏鲁 派
Pinyin :
Xialu pai

The Shalu school or Bulug school ( Tib . : zha lu pa ; also: Zhalu or Bulug ; Bhulu sect , Xialu school , sect , Bulu school , Budun school ; Pulu sect ; bu lugs pa; Bulukpa ; Bulugpa) is a sub-school of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism that no longer exists as an independent tradition and goes back to Butön Rinchen Drub (1290-1364). Its seat was the Shalu monastery (Ch. Xialu si ) in Samzhubzê , founded in 1040 by Cetsün Sherab Chungne (Tib .: lce btsun shes rab 'byung gnas ) .


"While other Tibetan scholars sometimes talk Zhalu as being Sakya, Sakya authors themselves rarely do so and Zhalu scholars themselves tend to classify themselves as being a distinctive tradition."

Monasteries (chin.)


  • Kal Sang Gyal: Religions in Tibet . 2004, ISBN 7-5085-0437-2 (at Google Books & Chinese Version , English Version )
  • Zhwa-lu-Ri-sbug Sprul-sku Blo-gsal-bstan-skyong and Tashigang, Tashi Yangphel: On the history of the monastery of Zhwa-lu being the texts of the Zhwa lu (Zhwalu) gdan rabs and the autobiography, by Zhwa-lu-Ri-sbug Sprul-sku Blo-gsal-bstan-skyong (Smanrtsis shesrig spendzod series, vol. 9). Facsimile reprod. of the original Tibetan text. (Cover title: History of Zwa-lu). In Tibetan; introd. in English. Includes bibliographical references.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Chinese Xialu pai 夏鲁 派 , Budun pai 布 墩 派 / 布敦 派 or Bulu pai 布鲁 派
  2. The Religions in Tibet, pp. 149 ff.
  3. Sakya Resource Guide: Glossary: ​​Bulug by Jeff Watt
  4. Chin. Budun Renqinzhu 布 墩 · 仁钦 朱 .
  5. Shalu Monastery
  6. Fabri Antiquariat Dr. Jürgen Aschoff, Antiquarian Book Catalog (June 2012) ( Memento from March 9, 2012 in the Internet Archive )