Xaver Mayer (Manager)

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Xaver Mayer (born April 20, 1881 in Gunzenhausen ; † July 11, 1942 in Bad Tölz ) was a German mechanical engineer, manager of the energy industry and local politician.


Xaver Mayer attended the secondary school in Nuremberg . After graduating from high school, he studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Munich and became a member of the Corps Guestphalia Munich . After graduating, he worked for Felten & Guilleaume Lohmeyer-Werke from 1904 to 1908 . In 1908 he switched to the Kaiserliche Werft Wilhelmshaven as a manager . In 1911 he was given the position of construction manager at the newly founded Kraftwerk Stettin GmbH . The following year he became director and managing director of the company, which was converted into a stock corporation in 1922. In 1928 he became general director of Großkraftwerk Stettin AG .

Mayer was also managing director of the public works of the city of Stettin GmbH , board member of Stettiner Volksbad AG , chairman of the supervisory board of Stettiner Straßen-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft , deputy chairman of the supervisory board of Stettiner paper and cardboard factory , member of the supervisory board of Städtische Werke AG in Stettin, of Stettiner Elektrizitätswerke , of Stettiner Dampfer-Compagnie AG , Stettiner Hafengesellschaft GmbH , Stettiner Hafen-Elektrizitäts-Werk GmbH and other companies inside and outside Szczecin.

He was also chairman of the Association of Electricity Companies in Berlin from 1921 to 1924 . From September to December 1926 he negotiated in New York City with the banking house Harris, Forbis & Co. a loan for 3 million US dollars for the public works of the city of Szczecin . He was also chairman of the supervisory board of the Wirtschaftsverband der Elektrizitätswerke eGmbH in Berlin and a member of numerous technical and economic deputations.

Since 1916 he was a member of the city council of Szczecin.



  • The Szczecin utilities and their economic importance , 1934
  • The supply companies of Germany in the mirror of the statistics with special consideration of their importance for Stettin , 1936


  • Mayer, Xaver. In: Robert Volz: Reich manual of the German society . The handbook of personalities in words and pictures. Volume 2: L-Z. Deutscher Wirtschaftsverlag, Berlin 1931, DNB 453960294 , pp. 1212-1213.
  • Mayer, Xaver. In: Georg Wenzel: German business leader . Life courses of German business personalities. A reference book on 13,000 business figures of our time. Hanseatische Verlagsanstalt, Hamburg / Berlin / Leipzig 1929, DNB 948663294 , Sp. 1447.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Die Wärme: Zeitschrift für Dampf-Kessel und Maschinenbetrieb , 3rd year, episode 17/18, September 12, 1942, p. 99
  2. ^ Address list of the Weinheimer SC. 1928, p. 283.