Xavier Novell Gomà

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Xavier Novell Gomà (2016).
Coat of arms of Xavier Novell i Gomà

Xavier Novell Gomà (born April 20, 1969 in Ossó de Sió , Catalonia ) is a Spanish clergyman and Roman Catholic bishop of Solsona .


Xavier Novell Gomà was ordained a priest on July 6, 1997 .

Pope Benedict XVI appointed him on November 3, 2010 Bishop of Solsona. He was ordained episcopate on December 12th of the same year by the secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith , Archbishop Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer SJ ; Co -consecrators were Archbishop Renzo Fratini , Apostolic Nuncio in Spain and Andorra , and Jaume Traserra Cunillera , former Bishop of Solsona.

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predecessor Office successor
Jaume Traserra Cunillera Bishop of Solsona
since 2010