Xiao-Liang Qi

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Xiao-Liang Qi (* 1983 in Kangping ) is a Chinese theoretical solid-state physicist.

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Qi studied at Tsinghua University from 1999 with a bachelor's degree in 2003 and received his doctorate from the Institute for Advanced Study at Tsinhua University in 2007 with Zheng-Yu Weng . As a post-doctoral student he was at SLAC and Stanford University (with Shou-Cheng Zhang ) from 2007 and at the University of California, Santa Barbara , and Microsoft's Station Q Research Center there (with Michael H. Freedman ) in 2009/10 . In 2009 he became Assistant Professor and 2014 Associate Professor at Stanford University.

He deals with the application of topology in solid state physics (where topological effects in the quantum hall effect and the flow quantization of superconductors have been known for a long time) and novel topological materials ( topological insulators , topological superconductors). He and colleagues found topological materials in almost every dimension (and not only in two, as originally expected). With Taylor Hughes. and SC Zhang, he developed a topological band theory for the classification of topological insulators in 2007 and introduced a general algorithm with which topological insulators could be found in standard computer programs for determining electronic structure. Qi has been involved with colleagues in predicting topological insulators in Sb 2 Se 3 , Bi 2 Se 3, and Bi 2 Te 3 , resulting in a wealth of experimental research. He found connections to topological phenomena in quantum field theory (electric-magnetic dualities, magnetic monopoles, axions and theta vacuum, extra dimensions). He predicted various magneto-electric effects and fractionalization phenomena (spin-charge separation, charge fractionalization) and in particular that a charge near the surface of a topological insulator would not only produce an electrical image charge, as is usual, but also an image charge. magnetic monopole induced. With this he generalized the already known connection between electrical polarization and the Berry phase . He is also researching topological superconductors, behind which there are Majorana particles generated as collective many-body effects, with possible applications in fault-tolerant quantum computers.

He is also concerned with quantum entanglement in many-body systems and its interaction with topological excitations in solids.

In 2014 he received the Sackler Prize for Physics and in 2011 the Hermann Kümmel Prize in Many-Particle Physics for young scientists for his development of a topological field theory for topological insulators. For 2016 he received the New Horizons in Physics Prize . He became a Sloan Fellow in 2010 and a Packard Fellow in 2011.


  • with Shou-Cheng Zhang: The quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators, Physics Today, January 2010, Arxiv
  • with Maissam Barkeshli: Topological Nematic States and Non-Abelian Lattice Dislocations, Phys. Rev. X 2, 031013 (2012)
  • with Shou-Cheng Zhang: Topological insulators and superconductors, Rev. Mod. Phys., Volume 83, 2011, pp. 1057-1110
  • with Hosho Katsura, Andreas WW Ludwig: General Relationship between the Entanglement Spectrum and the Edge State Spectrum of Topological Quantum States, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 108, 2012, p. 196402
  • Generic Wavefunction Description of Fractional Quantum Anomalous Hall States and Fractional Topological Insulators, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 107, 2011, p. 126803
  • with Hong Yao: Entanglement Entropy and Entanglement Spectrum of the Kitaev Model, Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 105, 2010, p. 080501
  • with Rundong Li, Jiadong Zhang, Shou-Cheng Zhang: Inducing a Magnetic Monopole with Topological Surface States, Xiao, Science, Volume 323, 2009, p. 1184
  • with Haijun Zhang, Chao-Xing Liu, Xi Dai, Zhong Fang, Shou-Cheng Zhang: Topological Insulators in Bi2Se3, Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 with single Dirac cone on the surface, Nature Physics, Volume 5, 2009, p. 438
  • with Taylor L. Hughes, Shou-Cheng Zhang: Topological Field Theory of Time-Reversal Invariant Insulators, Phys. Rev. B 78, 2008, p. 195424
  • with Taylor Hughes, Shou-Cheng Zhang: Fractional charge and quantized current in the quantum spin Hall state, Nature Physics, Volume 4, 2008, pp. 273-276
  • with Shou-Cheng Zhang: Spin-Charge Separation in the Quantum Spin Hall State, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 101, 2008, p. 086802

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Individual evidence

  1. XL Qi, T. Hughes, SC Zhang, Phys. Rev. B, Volume 78, 2008, p. 195424
  2. ^ Qi, RD Li, Hughes, Zhang, Science, Volume 323, 2009, p. 1184
  3. Science, Volume 323, 2009, 1184
  4. Hermann Kümmel Early Career Award, pdf ( Memento from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive )
  5. ^ Winner of the New Horizons in Physics Prize 2016