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Basic data

developer Denis Auroux , Andreas Butti et al.
Current  version 08/04/2016
(July 20, 2017)
operating system Linux , Unixoides_System , Windows
programming language C.
License GPL v2

Xournal is a program for creating notes and adding such to existing PDF files. It was written for Linux and other platforms with GTK + support. Similar programs are Jarnal , Gournal and Windows Journal . It was designed for operation with a stylus or a mouse and keyboard .

PDF annotations

Xournal to PDF files in color as a highlighter mark and supplemented by text, handwritten notes and drawings. Xournal uses the Poppler program library to display the PDF files . The PDF content becomes unchangeable background images.

The comments can then be saved separately from the PDF for further processing in the native Xournal file format. The PDF file remains unchanged and is still required for display. Alternatively, all content can be saved in a new PDF file, whereby the existing comments can no longer be changed afterwards.

With Xournal ++ there is a new version of Xournal written in C ++.

Individual evidence

  1. Xournal user manual . Retrieved October 15, 2011.
  2. Xournal ++