Horst Fleck

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Horst Fleck (born June 12, 1921 in Berlin ; † in the 1980s in Hamburg ) was a German actor , journalist and radio play speaker .


After graduating from high school, Fleck first studied newspaper sciences and German studies and then trained as a director and cameraman . Between 1952 and 1956 he acted as the spokesman for the newsreel Welt im Bild , which was broadcast in the cinema before the main film. After the show was taken over by the UFA Wochenschau , which was newly founded in 1956 , he stayed there as a speaker until the 1970s. In addition, he also worked as a spokesman for documentaries such as The Life of Adolf Hitler (1961), advertising and industrial films, and as an off-speaker for feature film productions such as The Murderer's Club of Brooklyn . Fleck also worked as a voice actor. For example, he lent Daniel Gélin his voice in your first rendezvous in 1941 . He also appeared in numerous radio plays, such as for the record label Europa as "Hagen von Tronje" in an adaptation of the Nibelungen saga , as Antinous in Odysseus' Odyssey and as "Indian Joe" in Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn after Mark Twain . Fleck also acted as a sports journalist for the NWDR and the NDR.

In contrast, Fleck was a rare guest in film and television productions. He played alongside Hansjörg Felmy and Hildegard Knef in The Man Who Sells himself and took on guest roles in series such as Haifischbar , Hafenkrankenhaus , The Despicable One , PS - Stories about the car .

Radio plays (selection)

  • 1947: If we want (by Axel Eggebrecht ) - Director: Ludwig Cremer
  • 1947: The ants (by Axel Eggebrecht) - directed by Ludwig Cremer
  • 1948: Stalingrad - Director: Ludwig Cremer
  • 1950: It was an unusually long day - Director: Fritz Schröder-Jahn
  • 1950: The Man on the Bridge - Director: Fritz Schröder-Jahn
  • 1950: Duval falls up the stairs - Director: Fritz Schröder-Jahn
  • 1950: One pays his debt (by Axel Eggebrecht) - Director: Fritz Schröder-Jahn
  • 1950: Caliban - Director: Otto Kurth
  • 1950: At the last minute - Director: Fritz Schröder-Jahn
  • 1954: The East-West Divan - Director: Gert Westphal
  • 1955: Der Abgott - Director: Gerlach Fiedler
  • 1959: Spaceship Alpha is silent (1st episode); from the series: Adventure of the Future - Director: SO Wagner
  • 1960: The Tower of the Winds; from the series: Adventure of the Future - Director: SO Wagner
  • 1977: The fairy tale of the boy who always did what he didn't want - Director: Hans Rosenhauer

Commercial productions:

  • 1967: Odysseus' wanderings
  • 1967: Police helicopter in action - bank robbery!
  • 1967: Siegfried - The Nibelungs
  • 1967: Tom Sawyer & Huckleberry Finn

Filmography (selection)

  • 1969: The incorrigible ... and their knowledge of human nature
  • 1970: Merry Christmas
  • 1979: PS - Stories about the car: Feuerreiter I


  • Who is Who in Photo, Film & TV , Zurich: Verlag für Prominentenenzyklopädien 1979, p. 64.

Web links

Individual evidence