Yacht master

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The Yachtmaster is the official (but usually voluntary) British license for skippers of pleasure craft. It is issued by the Royal Yachting Association (RYA) on behalf of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) of the UK Department for Transport .

All Yachtmaster certificates can be purchased for sails and engines.

Yachtmaster Coastal

The English sport boat license RYA / MCA Yachtmaster Coastal (formerly Coastal Skipper, changed January 1, 2009) is roughly comparable to the German sport boat license (SKS) . However, the requirements for acquiring the Yachtmaster Coastal are stricter than the German equivalent and the practical exam is considerably more extensive (see exam). At least 50% of the entry requirements must be acquired in advance in recognized tidal waters ("tidal", for example not in the Baltic Sea and not in the Mediterranean).


Basically you need:

  • Certificate of proficiency in radio (SRC / VHF and GMDSS)
  • First aid according to the RYA standard (additional special requirements regarding measures in the event of hypothermia and damage caused by drowning)
  • sailing experience
  • Minimum age: 17 years

When it comes to sailing experience, a distinction is made between whether or not a course in the RYA / MCA training center is attended before the exam, because those who already have sailing experience can also take the exam directly (even on their own keel).

Without a RYA course, the following requirements apply:

  • at least 800 nautical miles
  • 30 days at sea on board
  • two days at sea as a skipper
  • 12 hours night drive

When attending the corresponding course in the RYA / MCA training center (course and exam min. 5 days), the requirements are reduced as follows, whereby a previous theory course at a RYA / MCA training center is recommended.

The following requirements apply to the RYA Course:

  • at least 400 nautical miles
  • 20 days at sea on board
  • two days at sea as a skipper
  • 12 hours night drive

Theoretical and practical exam

The exams are held in English only, regardless of the country in which the exam is taken. Yachtmaster Coastal and Offshore are often examined together, as the content is identical and only the claim differs.

The theoretical examination includes a comprehensive trip planning in the RYA exercise cards, which must be drawn up in writing and based on practice on the basis of an unknown task of the examiner. The task specifies the boat, sea area, crew composition, start / finish, etc. It usually includes tidal waters, several days, team management, watch schedule, etc. and always leads through difficult passages. A trip with a family crew has to be planned differently than with an experienced crew. This planning is forwarded to the examiner before the practical exam and defended during the exam trip.

The practical test takes place on board and lasts as follows:

  • for a candidate: 6–10 hours
  • for two candidates: 8-14 hours
  • for three candidates: 20–28 hours
  • for four candidates: 24–32 hours.

It applies here that only the minimum duration is defined, which the examiner can extend at his own discretion. No examination should be carried out with more than four candidates:

The practical test includes a real trip corresponding to the entire test duration, which must be planned by each test participant (for himself) in order to be able to take over as a skipper at any time, although it is normal for the examiner to change the destination ad hoc in between, to see how adequately they respond.

However, not only the ability as a sailor is tested, but also the nautical and management skills as a whole (including careful team management, catering, saying no, etc.). The focus is always on security. An examination usually starts with the so-called deck walk and the safety briefing of the team, with each examination participant taking on part of the control or briefing.

During the examination cruise, comprehensive and in-depth theoretical questions on all areas of yacht management are asked, whereby the answer must always contain a detailed justification. During a free watch, for example, the cruise plan drawn up as a theoretical test is defended. In addition, map knowledge, tonnage, sound and light signals, etc. are queried.

The main difference between the Yachtmaster Coastal and the Yachtmaster Offshore, apart from the entry requirements, is the number of mistakes you can allow yourself. The coastal candidate may still have minor weaknesses, the offshore candidate must reach the set destination without any errors.

Yacht master offshore

The Yachtmaster Offshore certificate is similar to the German Sportseeschifferschein (SSS). In comparison to the SSS, however, the focus is on practical qualification and less on extensive theoretical knowledge. The Yachtmaster Offshore is internationally the most important certificate for professional yacht skippers.


Prerequisites for obtaining the Yachtmaster Offshore are evidence of completed trips that meet the following criteria:

  1. Minimum age: 18 years
  2. 50 days at sea
  3. 2500 nautical miles, of which at least five trips with a length of at least 60 nautical miles (direct line from start to destination, not actual route), two of which as the responsible skipper and two with night trips
  4. five days at sea experience as a skipper
  5. At least 1250 nautical miles and half of the passages must have been completed in tidal waters .

All evidence must have been obtained within the ten years prior to the examination.

The “Yachtmaster Offshore Certificate of Competence” is valid indefinitely. For commercial use, a so-called “commercial endorsement” is required. The validity of the commercial endorsement is limited to five years. Proof of successful activity as a skipper or deputy skipper and a health check by a ship's doctor in accordance with ENG1 are required for extension.


See Yachtmaster Coastal .

Yachtmaster Ocean

The Yachtmaster Ocean is similar to the German Sporthochseeschifferschein (SHS), respectively the Swiss high seas pass (HSA). All three certificates entitle you to unlimited travel worldwide.


Formal requirements:

  • RYA Yachtmaster Offshore
  • SRC or LRC
  • a valid first aid certificate according to RYA standards on hypothermia and drowning.

Another prerequisite is a self-planned ocean passage as a skipper or watchman while the astronavigation was carried out and documented

  • of at least 600 nautical miles non-stop
  • of which at least 200 nautical miles with at least 50 nautical miles from land.


Before the RYA Yachtmaster Ocean is issued, the documentation is subsequently checked by a RYA Yachtmaster Examiner. Questions about this must be answered in a personal conversation between the examiner and the examinee. The activity of astronavigation and its documentation must be properly defended.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. RYA website on the Yachtmaster Coastal
  2. ^ RYA website on the Yachtmaster Offshore
  3. ^ RYA website for the Yachtmaster Ocean