Yann Delabrière

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Yann Delabrière

Yann Delabrière (born December 19, 1950 ) is a French manager and CEO of the technology company IDEMIA .


Delabrière is a graduate of the École normal supérieure , the École nationale d'administration and holds a doctorate in mathematics. He began his professional career at the French Court of Auditors . He later worked in the French Ministry of Foreign Trade. From 1982 to 1987 he was Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the credit insurer Coface and from 1987 to 1990 CFO of the Printemps department store chain . In 1990 Delabrière, also in the position of CFO , moved to PSA Peugeot Citroën . Over the years, he took on other tasks within the PSA Group. From 2007 to 2016 Delabrière was CEO and Chairman of the French automotive supplier Faurecia . Since June 6, 2017, he has been President of the Zodiac Group and since January 29, 2018, Chairman of the Board of IDEMIA, an augmented identity company .

further activities

Yann Delabrière holds various supervisory board mandates. He has sat and sits on the supervisory boards of Banque PSA Finance , Compagnie Générale de Crédit aux Particuliers (Credipar), Société Générale , GEFCO and Capgemini .

Individual evidence

  1. a b Businesswire.com: IDEMIA Announces Appointment of Yann Delabrière the new chairman of the group known
  2. a b Bloomberg News: Yann Delabrière
  3. Faurecia press release: Changes in the management structure at Faurecia from July 1, 2016
  4. ^ Zodiac Aerospace website