Yano Kentaro

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Yano Kentarō ( Japanese 矢野 健 太郎 ; born March 1, 1912 in Tokyo ; † 1993 ) was a Japanese mathematician who dealt with differential geometry .


Yano studied mathematics at the University of Tokyo from 1931 , where he dealt in particular with differential geometry (motivated by Einstein's general theory of relativity ) and went to Paris in 1936 on a scholarship to Élie Cartan . In 1938 he was back in Tokyo, where he worked at the Tōkyō Kōgyō Daigaku , the Tokyo Institute of Technology (English Tokyo Institute of Technology ). From 1949 he was at Princeton University as assistant to Oswald Veblen , where he worked in particular with Salomon Bochner on global differential geometry, which led to a joint monograph on Betti numbers and curvature. 1953 followed by a stay at the University of Rome, where he lectured at the International Congress for Differential Geometry in Rome and also visited other universities in Europe. In 1954 he was at the Mathematical Center in Amsterdam, where he worked with Jan Arnoldus Schouten . In 1958 he was visiting professor at the University of Southampton and 1960 in Hong Kong, and later he was also a regular visiting professor at various British, Canadian and US universities. In 1972 he retired from the Tokyo Institute of Technology, but remained scientifically active.

He published around 330 scientific papers mainly in differential geometry. With Bochner he proved that the isometric group of a compact Riemannian manifold with negative Ricci curvature is finite (theorem of Bochner and Yano).

He was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Amsterdam in 1954 (On pseudo-Hermitian and pseudo-Kaehlerian manifolds).


  • Morio Obata (Editor): Selected papers of Kentaro Yano, North Holland 1982
  • Les espaces à connexion projective et la géométrie projective des paths, Iasi, 1938
  • Geometry of connected forms (Japanese), 1947
  • Groups of Transformations in Generalized Spaces, Tokyo, Akademeia Press, 1949
  • with Salomon Bochner: Curvature and Betti Numbers, Princeton University Press, Annals of Mathematical Studies, 1953
  • The theory of Lie derivatives and its applications, North Holland 1957
  • Differential geometry on complex and almost complex spaces, Macmillan, New York 1965
  • Integral formulas in Riemannian Geometry, Marcel Dekker, New York 1970
  • with Shigeru Ishihara: Tangent and cotangent bundles: differential geometry, New York, M. Dekker 1973
  • with Masahiro Kon: Anti-invariant submanifolds, Marcel Dekker, New York 1976
  • with Masahiro Kon: CR Submanifolds of Kählerian and Sasakian Manifolds, Birkhäuser 1983
  • with Masahiro Kon: Structures on Manifolds, World Scientific 1984


  • S. Kobayashi, M. Obata, T. Takahashi (Eds.) Differential geometry (in honor of Kentaro Yano) , Kinokuniya Book Store Co., Tokyo 1972

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