Yayoi Aoki

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Yayoi Aoki ( Japanese 青木 や よ ひ , Aoki Yayoi , real name: 北 沢 弥 生 , Kitazawa Yayoi ; born June 13, 1927 in Shizuoka Prefecture ; † December 25, 2009 in Itō , Shizuoka Prefecture) was a Japanese non-fiction author, feminist and music critic. Yayoi is known for her cross-cultural gender studies and her research contributions on Beethoven , especially on the question of who is the addressee behind the “Immortal Beloved” .


Yayoi Aoki graduated from Tokyo University of Pharmacy. After graduating, she worked on editing the complete works of Romain Rolland and, at the suggestion of the literary scholar and poet Toshihiko Katayama (1898–1961), began her first attempts at writing. In the 1970s she dealt with Beethoven research in lectures and lectures at universities. In 1975 she received the Mainichi Shimbun Research Prize for her work Marusasu no kage to gendai bunmei (“ Malthus ' Shadow and Today's Civilization”) . Since 1983, Yayoi Aoki has been advocating considerations that she referred to with the term Ecological Feminism ( エ コ ロ ジ カ ル ・ フ ェ ミ ニ ズ ム ), for example in a debate with the well-known feminist and sociologist Chizuko Ueno (* 1948). Towards the end of her life she concentrated again on Beethoven research, on which she published several non-fiction books.

Yayoi Aoki died of colon cancer in Itō in 2009 at the age of 84.


  • 1968 Ai no densetsu: Koibito toshite no geijutsuka to onnatachi ( 愛 の 伝 説 恋人 と し て の 芸 術 家 と 女 た ち , for example: love legends: artists as lovers and women)
  • 1982 Josei sono sei no shinwa ( 女性 ・ そ の 性 の 神話 , for example: women - myth of gender)
  • 1982 Seisa no bunka ( 性 差 の 文化 , for example: culture of gender difference)
  • 1986 Feminism to Ecology ( フ ェ ミ ニ ズ ム と エ コ ロ ジ ー )
  • 1986 Bosei towa nanika ( 母性 と は 何 か , something like : What is maternity?)
  • 2001 Beethoven “fumetsu no koibito” no nazo o toku ( ベ ー ト ー ヴ ェ ン <不滅 の 恋人> の 謎 を 解 く , German Beethoven. The deciphering of the riddle about the “Immortal Beloved” , translated by Annette Boronnia, iudicium, 2008, ISBN 978 3-89129-184-9 )
  • 2004 Goethe to Beethoven: Kyoshōtachi no shirarezaru yūjō ( ゲ ー テ と ベ ー ト ー ヴ ェ ン 巨匠 た ち の の 知 ら れ ざ る 友情 , for example: Goethe and Beethoven: The unknown friendship of the great masters )
  • 2009 Beethoven no shōgai ( ベ ー ト ー ヴ ェ ン の 生涯 , for example: Beethoven's life )


  • 1979 Translation by Eleanor Maccoby : The Psychology of Sex Differences ( 性 差 そ の 起源 と 役 割 )
  • 1979 Translation of Beethoven's diary ( ベ ー ト ー ヴ ェ ン の 日記 )

Individual evidence

  1. a b 青木 や よ ひ . In: デ ジ タ ル 版 日本人 名 大 辞典 + Plus at kotobank.jp. Retrieved April 21, 2015 (Japanese).
  2. 青木 や よ ひ さ ん 死去 評論家 . In: News 47 on Japan Press Network. November 26, 2009. Retrieved April 21, 2015 (Japanese).
  3. Nicole L. freiner: The Social and Gender Politics of Confucian Nationalism: Women and the Japanese nation-state . Palgrave MacMillan, New York 2012, ISBN 978-0-230-61928-9 , pp. 135 (English, palgraveconnect.com [accessed April 21, 2015]).