Yves Guyon

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Gladesville Bridge

Yves Guyon ( 1899 - December 10, 1975 in Paris ) was a French civil engineer.

Guyon studied from 1918 at the École polytechnique . After participating in the First World War , he was at Renault and from 1928 to 1935 chief engineer at the French branch of the American manufacturer of road construction machines Blaw-Knox . From 1934 he was the technical manager at the construction company Société des grands travaux en béton armé (GTBA), from 1942 at Campenon Bernard and from 1943 a close employee of the reinforced concrete pioneer Eugène Freyssinet in his company STUP.

At Freyssinet he devoted himself to studying prestressed concrete , for which he was a pioneer in France with important work, but was also internationally influential. In 1957 he became professor of prestressed concrete at the Center des Hautes Études de la Construction (CHEBAP) of the Fédérations du Bâtiment et des Travaux Publics .

In 1972 he received the gold medal from the Institution of Structural Engineers .

1961 to 1966 he was president of the international society for prestressed concrete (Fédération internationale de la Précontrainte, fip).

The Gladesville Bridge is one of his structures .


  • Béton précontraint. Étude théorique et expérimentale, 2 volumes, Éditions Eyrolles, Paris, 1958 (preface by Eugène Freyssinet)
  • Constructions en béton précontraint - Classes. États limites (cours du CHEBAP), 2 volumes, Éditions Eyrolles, 1966, 1968
  • Calcul des ponts-dalles, 2 parts, Annales des Ponts et Chaussées, 1949, No. 5, 6
  • Calcul des ponts larges à poutres multiple solidarisées par des entretoises. Application aux planchers, Annales des Ponts et Chaussées, 1949, no.5

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