Tooth socket

The tooth socket (also alveolus , Latin alveolus dentalis ) is a recess in the jaw bone, in which a tooth with its root infected.
The part of the jawbone in which there are tooth pockets is called the alveolar process ( processus alveolaris ). The course of the bone margin is called the limbus alveolaris . Tooth sockets occur both in the upper jaw ( processus alveolaris maxillae ) and in the lower jaw ( processus alveolaris mandibulae ). The socket is one next to the cementum , the periodontal ligament ( periodontal ) and the gums ( gingiva ) for attachment apparatus ( periodontium ). The tooth is anchored in the tooth socket by means of a gomphosis .
A set of teeth in which the teeth are anchored on the jaw margins in tooth sockets is called thekodont (also thecodont , Latin theca , capsule, bushing). This type of tooth attachment occurs mainly in mammals and their ancestors, the Synapsida and the ( fossil and recent ) archosaurs , z. B. the crocodiles .
See also
- Alveolar (phonetics)
- Alveolitis sicca (dry socket)
- Franz-Viktor Salomon: teeth . In: Franz-Viktor Salomon, u. a. (Ed.): Anatomy for veterinary medicine . Enke-Verlag, Stuttgart 2004, ISBN 3-8304-1007-7 , p. 251-264 .
Web links
Individual evidence
- ↑ Martin Sander: Reptiles . Ferdinand Enke, Stuttgart 1994.